80 Days Apk Türkçe

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80 Days APK Türkçe: A Steampunk Adventure Game Based on Jules Verne’s Classic Novel

Have you ever dreamed of traveling around the world in 80 days? Do you love steampunk, adventure, and interactive fiction? If so, you should definitely check out 80 Days APK Türkçe, a game that will take you on a thrilling journey across a 3D globe, where you can choose your own route, mode of transport, and actions. Based on the famous novel by Jules Verne, 80 Days APK Türkçe is a game that will challenge your wits, imagination, and strategy skills. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about this game, including what it is, why you should play it, how to play it, what are its main features, and some tips and tricks to help you win the wager.


What is 80 Days APK Türkçe?

80 Days APK Türkçe is an Android game that was released in 2014 by inkle Ltd, a British studio that specializes in interactive storytelling. It is an adaptation of the novel Around the World in Eighty Days by Jules Verne, which was published in 1873. The game follows the story of Phileas Fogg, a wealthy English gentleman who bets his friends at the Reform Club that he can circumnavigate the world in 80 days or less. You play as his loyal French valet, Jean Passepartout, who accompanies him on this daring expedition. The game is available in Turkish language, as well as other languages such as English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian, and Chinese.

Why should you play 80 Days APK Türkçe?

There are many reasons why you should play 80 Days APK Türkçe. Here are some of them:

  • It is a game that combines adventure, strategy, and role-playing elements.
  • It is a game that offers a lot of replayability and variety. Every time you play, you can choose a different route, encounter different events, and experience a different story.
  • It is a game that has a high-quality writing, art, and music. The game has a half-million word script by Meg Jayanth, stunning illustrations by Jaume Illustration, and original music by Laurence Chapman.
  • It is a game that has won many awards and accolades. The game was named as TIME Magazine’s #1 Game of the Year 2014, as well as receiving other honors such as BAFTA nominations, IGF awards, and more.

Gameplay and Features

How to play 80 Days APK Türkçe?

The gameplay of 80 Days APK Türkçe is simple but engaging. You start the game by choosing your departure date from London. Then, you have to plan your route around the world by selecting cities on a 3D globe. You can travel by various modes of transport such as trains, boats, airships, submarines, mechanical camels, steam-trains, and more. Some of them are faster but more expensive or risky than others. You also have to manage your finances by buying or selling items at markets or trading with other travelers. You have to keep an eye on your master’s health by

feeding him, resting him, or healing him. You also have to interact with various characters and situations along the way, which will affect your story and outcome. You can choose to be loyal, adventurous, diplomatic, or rebellious, depending on your mood and personality. You have to reach London before the 80th day to win the wager, but you can also explore the world beyond that if you wish.

What are the main features of 80 Days APK Türkçe?

80 Days APK Türkçe has many features that make it a unique and enjoyable game. Here are some of them:

Interactive story and choices

The game is a rich and immersive interactive fiction that adapts to your choices and actions. You can shape your own story by choosing what to say, do, or think in different situations. You can also influence your master’s personality and relationship with you. The game has over 500 cities to visit, each with its own history, culture, and secrets. The game also has over 10,000 choices to make, each with its own consequences and outcomes. The game is different every time you play, so you never know what will happen next.

Multiple routes and modes of transport

The game gives you a lot of freedom and flexibility to plan your route around the world. You can choose from over 150 modes of transport, each with its own speed, cost, and risk. You can travel by land, sea, or air, using conventional or exotic vehicles such as steamers, trains, airships, submarines, mechanical camels, gyrocopters, and more. You can also discover new routes and shortcuts by talking to other travelers or exploring the cities. You can travel as fast or as slow as you want, as long as you reach London in time.

Stunning art and music

The game has a beautiful and distinctive art style that blends realism and fantasy. The game uses a 3D globe that shows the real geography and landmarks of the world, but also adds steampunk elements and inventions that create a unique atmosphere. The game also has gorgeous illustrations that depict the scenes and characters of the game in vivid detail. The game also has a captivating soundtrack that matches the mood and tone of the game. The game uses original music by Laurence Chapman, as well as classical pieces by composers such as Chopin, Liszt, Debussy, and more.

Live feed and multiplayer

The game has a live feed feature that shows you the progress and actions of other players around the world. You can see where they are, what they are doing, and how they are faring in their journey. You can also chat with them, exchange tips and information, or challenge them to a race. The game also has a multiplayer mode that allows you to play with your friends or strangers online. You can join or create a lobby where you can choose your departure date, wager amount, and rules. You can then compete with up to three other players to see who can travel around the world faster and better.

Tips and Tricks

How to manage your time, money, and health?

One of the main challenges of the game is to balance your time, money, and health. Here are some tips to help you with that:

  • Time: You have to reach London before the 80th day to win the wager. To do that, you have to plan your route carefully and avoid unnecessary delays or detours. You also have to check the departure times and durations of your transports, as well as the opening hours of markets and banks. You can use a pocket watch to keep track of the time zones and dates.
  • Money: You need money to pay for your transports, hotels, food, items, and other expenses. To earn money, you can buy or sell items at markets or trade with other travelers. You can also gamble at casinos or clubs if you feel lucky. You can use a bank to deposit or withdraw money at any city that has one.
  • Health: Your master’s health is affected by his fatigue, hunger, illness, injury, or mood. To improve his health, you have to feed him regularly,

    rest him at hotels or camps, heal him with medicines or treatments, or cheer him up with jokes or compliments. You can use a health kit to monitor his health status and needs.

How to find the best routes and deals?

Another challenge of the game is to find the best routes and deals for your journey. Here are some tips to help you with that:

  • Routes: You can use a map to see the available routes and transports between cities. You can also use a globe to see the distance and direction of your destination. You can also ask other travelers or locals for advice or suggestions on where to go or how to get there. You can also explore the cities and discover new routes or shortcuts by chance or curiosity.
  • Deals: You can use a market to see the prices and availability of items in each city. You can also use a trade button to see the offers and demands of other travelers. You can also haggle with merchants or travelers to get better prices or bargains. You can also use a suitcase to see your inventory and manage your items.

How to deal with unexpected events and challenges?

The game is full of unexpected events and challenges that can affect your journey. Here are some tips to help you deal with them:

  • Events: The game has over 500 events that can happen randomly or based on your choices. Some of them are positive, such as finding a treasure or meeting a friend. Some of them are negative, such as getting robbed or attacked. Some of them are neutral, such as encountering a storm or a festival. You have to react to these events by choosing an option or performing an action. You have to be prepared for any situation and adapt to any circumstance.
  • Challenges: The game has over 100 challenges that can test your skills or knowledge. Some of them are easy, such as answering a trivia question or playing a card game. Some of them are hard, such as solving a puzzle or escaping a trap. Some of them are optional, such as joining a race or a duel. Some of them are mandatory, such as fighting a pirate or a spy. You have to overcome these challenges by using your logic, intuition, or luck.


Summary of the main points

In conclusion, 80 Days APK Türkçe is an amazing game that will take you on an unforgettable adventure around the world in 80 days. It is a game that combines adventure, strategy, and role-playing elements, as well as interactive story and choices, multiple routes and modes of transport, stunning art and music, and live feed and multiplayer features. It is a game that offers a lot of replayability and variety, as well as high-quality writing, art, and music. It is a game that has won many awards and accolades, as well as the hearts of many players.

Call to action and download link

If you are interested in playing 80 Days APK Türkçe, you can download it from the link below. The game costs $4.99 USD, but it is worth every penny. You will not regret it.

Download 80 Days APK Türkçe here

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about 80 Days APK Türkçe:

  1. Q: How long does it take to finish the game?
  2. A: It depends on your route and speed, but on average it takes about 3 hours to complete one playthrough.
  3. Q: How many endings does the game have?
  4. A: The game has over 30 different endings, depending on your choices and actions.
  5. Q: How can I unlock all the achievements in the game?
  6. A: The game has over 100 achievements that you can unlock by completing certain tasks or goals in the game.
  7. Q: How can I save my progress in the game?
  8. A: The game has an auto-save feature that saves your progress every time you enter a new city or make a choice.
  9. Q: How can I contact the developers of the game?
  10. A: You can contact them by email at support@inklestudios.com or by Twitter at @inkleStudios.
