Download Virtual Bitcoin Sender Apk 🤜

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Download Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK: A Guide for Beginners

Have you ever wondered how to send bitcoins without actually spending them? Do you want to prank your friends or test your online purchases with fake bitcoins? If yes, then you might be interested in downloading Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK, an app that allows you to create and send fake bitcoin transactions. In this article, we will explain what Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK is, how to download and install it, and how to use it to send fake bitcoins. We will also discuss the limitations and risks of using fake bitcoin transactions, and answer some frequently asked questions.

What is Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK?

Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK is an Android app that claims to generate and send real bitcoins to any bitcoin wallet address. However, the sent bitcoins are actually fake and will disappear from the receiver’s wallet after 30 days. The app uses a technique called double spending, which means sending the same bitcoins to two different addresses at the same time. This creates a false transaction that appears valid on the blockchain, but is actually invalid and will be rejected by the network eventually.

A brief introduction to bitcoin and bitcoin transactions

Bitcoin is a digital currency that operates on a decentralized network of computers called the blockchain. The blockchain records every bitcoin transaction that ever happened, and verifies them using a consensus mechanism called proof-of-work. Proof-of-work requires miners, who are specialized computers that solve complex mathematical problems, to validate new transactions and add them to the blockchain. Each transaction has a unique identifier called a hash, and contains information such as the sender’s address, the receiver’s address, the amount of bitcoins, and a digital signature that proves the ownership of the bitcoins.

The features and benefits of Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK

Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK claims to offer some features and benefits that make it appealing for users who want to send fake bitcoins. Some of these are:

  • The app is easy and fast to use. You just need to enter the sender’s address, the receiver’s address, the change address (where the remaining bitcoins will be returned), and the amount of bitcoins you want to send (in BTC or USD).
  • The app does not require you to create a wallet or register an account. You can use any valid bitcoin address as the sender or receiver.
  • The app does not charge any fees for sending fake bitcoins. You only need to pay the network fee, which is usually very low.
  • The app can send fake bitcoins to any bitcoin wallet address, regardless of whether it belongs to an individual, a business, or an exchange.
  • The app can be used for various purposes, such as pranking your friends, testing your online purchases, or making purchases that you suspect are not legit.

How to download and install Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK?

If you are interested in downloading Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK, you need to follow some steps and take some precautions before installing it on your device. Here are some tips:

The steps to download the app from a trusted source

  1. Go to [Real Bitcoin Generator APK (Android App) – Free Download](^2^), which is one of the few sources that offer a safe and verified download link for Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK. This website also provides a detailed description and screenshots of the app, as well as user reviews and ratings.
  2. Click on the green “Download APK” button and wait for the download to start. You may need to allow your browser to download files from unknown sources.
  3. Once the download is complete, locate the file in your device’s storage and tap on it to open it. You may need to enable the installation of apps from unknown sources in your device’s settings.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen to install the app on your device. You may need to grant some permissions to the app, such as access to your storage, camera, and internet.
  5. After the installation is done, you can launch the app from your app drawer or home screen.

The precautions to take before installing the app

While Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK may seem like a fun and harmless app, it is important to be aware of some potential risks and drawbacks of using it. Some of these are:

  • The app is not available on the official Google Play Store, which means it has not been verified or approved by Google. This means that the app may contain malware, viruses, or spyware that could harm your device or steal your personal information.
  • The app may not work properly on some devices or Android versions. It may crash, freeze, or display errors while running.
  • The app may not be compatible with some bitcoin wallets or services. It may fail to send fake bitcoins or cause problems with your real bitcoins.
  • The app may violate some laws or regulations in your country or region. It may be illegal or unethical to use fake bitcoins for any purpose, especially for fraud or deception.
  • The app may expose you to legal or financial consequences if you use fake bitcoins for illegal or unethical purposes. You may face criminal charges, lawsuits, fines, or bans from using bitcoin services.

Therefore, it is advisable to use Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK at your own risk and discretion. You should also scan the app with a reputable antivirus software before installing it, and backup your device and bitcoin wallet before using it.

How to use Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK to send fake bitcoins?

If you have successfully downloaded and installed Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK on your device, you can start using it to send fake bitcoins to any bitcoin wallet address. Here is how:

The process of creating and sending fake bitcoin transactions

  1. Open the app and tap on the “Send Bitcoins” button on the main screen.
  2. Enter the sender’s address, which can be any valid bitcoin address that you own or control. You can also scan a QR code or choose an address from your contacts.
  3. Enter the receiver’s address, which can be any valid bitcoin address that you want to send fake bitcoins to. You can also scan a QR code or choose an address from your contacts.
  4. Enter the change address, which is where the remaining bitcoins will be returned after sending the fake bitcoins. You can use the same address as the sender’s address or a different one.
  5. Enter the amount of bitcoins you want to send (in BTC or USD). You can also use the slider to adjust the amount.
  6. Tap on the “Send” button and wait for the app to generate and broadcast the fake bitcoin transaction. You will see a confirmation message and a transaction ID on the screen.
  7. You can also check the status of your fake bitcoin transaction on any blockchain explorer website by entering the transaction ID. You will see that the transaction has been confirmed by several blocks and appears valid on the blockchain.

The limitations and risks of using fake bitcoin transactions

While Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK may seem like a magic tool that can create and send real bitcoins out of thin air, it is important to understand that it is not really what it claims to be. The fake bitcoin transactions that it creates are not real and will not last forever. They are only temporary illusions that will disappear after 30 days. Some of the limitations and risks of using fake bitcoin transactions are:

  • The fake bitcoin transactions are not accepted by most bitcoin services or platforms. They will either reject them outright or detect them as invalid after some time.
  • The fake bitcoin transactions are not irreversible or untraceable. They can be easily identified and reversed by anyone who knows how to analyze the blockchain data.
  • The fake bitcoin transactions are not secure or anonymous. They can be intercepted, modified, or stolen by hackers or malicious actors who have access to your device or network.
  • The fake bitcoin transactions are not ethical or moral. They can be used for fraudulent or deceptive purposes that can harm other people or the bitcoin community. They can also damage the reputation and credibility of bitcoin as a legitimate and trustworthy currency.

Therefore, it is advisable to use Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK only for entertainment or educational purposes, and not for any illegal or unethical purposes. You should also be aware of the consequences and responsibilities of using fake bitcoin transactions, and respect the rights and interests of other bitcoin users.


In this article, we have explained what Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK is, how to download and install it, and how to use it to send fake bitcoins. We have also discussed the limitations and risks of using fake bitcoin transactions, and answered some frequently asked questions. We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you, and that you have learned something new about bitcoin and fake bitcoin transactions.

If you are interested in downloading Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK, you can use the link below to get it from a trusted source. However, please remember to use it responsibly and ethically, and do not abuse it for any illegal or unethical purposes. Also, please share this article with your friends and family who might be interested in learning more about Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK and fake bitcoin transactions.

Thank you for reading this article, and have fun with Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK!


What is the difference between real and fake bitcoins?

Real bitcoins are digital coins that are created, stored, and transferred on the blockchain network using cryptography and consensus mechanisms. They have a limited supply of 21 million coins, and are accepted by most bitcoin services and platforms as a valid form of payment. Fake bitcoins are digital coins that are created, stored, and transferred using double spending techniques that exploit the flaws or delays in the blockchain network. They have an unlimited supply, and are rejected by most bitcoin services and platforms as an invalid form of payment.

How long do fake bitcoin transactions last in the receiver’s wallet?

Fake bitcoin transactions last in the receiver’s wallet for 30 days, after which they will disappear automatically. This is because the blockchain network will eventually detect and reject the fake transaction as invalid, and remove it from the ledger. The receiver will not be able to spend or withdraw the fake bitcoins during this period.

Can fake bitcoin transactions be detected or reversed?

Fake bitcoin transactions can be detected or reversed by anyone who knows how to analyze the blockchain data. There are some signs or indicators that can reveal a fake transaction, such as:

  • The transaction has a low or zero network fee, which means it has a low priority in the blockchain network.
  • The transaction has a high number of confirmations, which means it has been included in many blocks on the blockchain.
  • The transaction has a low or zero balance in the sender’s address, which means it has been double spent or emptied.
  • The transaction has a high or full balance in the change address, which means it has been returned to the sender.
  • The transaction has a different hash or signature than the original transaction, which means it has been modified or tampered with.

If a fake transaction is detected or reversed, the receiver will lose the fake bitcoins that they received, and the sender will get back their real bitcoins that they sent.

Is Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK legal or ethical?

Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK is not legal or ethical in most countries or regions. It is considered a form of fraud or deception that violates the laws or regulations of bitcoin transactions. It is also considered a form of disrespect or harm that violates the ethics or morals of bitcoin users. Using Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK for any illegal or unethical purpose can result in legal or financial consequences, such as criminal charges, lawsuits, fines, or bans from using bitcoin services.

Are there any alternatives to Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK?

There are some alternatives to Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK that can be used for legitimate or harmless purposes, such as testing or learning about bitcoin transactions. Some of these are:

  • [Bitcoin Testnet], which is a separate network of bitcoin that uses test coins that have no real value. It is used by developers and users to experiment with new features or applications of bitcoin without risking real money.
  • [Bitcoin Faucet], which is a website or app that gives away small amounts of free bitcoins to users who complete simple tasks or captcha. It is used by beginners and users to get some bitcoins without spending money.
  • [Bitcoin Simulator](^-1^), which is a website or app that simulates the process of creating and sending bitcoin transactions without actually using real bitcoins. It is used by learners and users to understand how bitcoin works without using real money.

These alternatives are more legal and ethical than Virtual Bitcoin Sender APK, and can be used for various purposes, such as development, education, or entertainment. However, they are not the same as using real bitcoins, and they may have some limitations or drawbacks, such as low security, low functionality, or low availability.
