Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension For Autodesk Revit 2014 Multilingual

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How to Use Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension for Revit 2014 in Multiple Languages

Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension is a free add-in for Autodesk Revit 2014 that enables you to calculate and document room areas and volumes in your projects. It also allows you to create room finish schedules, area plans, area schemes, and area legends. But what if you need to work with Revit 2014 in different languages? How can you use Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension in a multilingual environment?

In this article, we will show you how to use Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension for Revit 2014 in multiple languages. We will cover the following topics:

  • What is Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension and what can it do?
  • How to install and access Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension in Revit 2014?
  • How to change the language of Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension?
  • How to customize the calculation rules and parameters for different languages?
  • How to create and edit area plans and schemes for different languages?

What is Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension and what can it do?

Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension is a tool that helps you measure and report the surface area of walls, floors, ceilings, and other elements in your rooms. It also helps you generate room finish schedules that show the materials and finishes of your rooms.

With Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension, you can easily calculate and document the following information for your rooms:

  • Room area: The floor area of the room.
  • Room volume: The volume of the room.
  • Wall area: The total area of the walls in the room.
  • Floor area: The total area of the floor in the room.
  • Ceiling area: The total area of the ceiling in the room.
  • Baseboard length: The total length of the baseboards in the room.
  • Molding length: The total length of the moldings in the room.
  • Opening area: The total area of the openings (such as doors and windows) in the room.

You can also create and edit area plans and schemes for different purposes, such as rentable areas, gross areas, net areas, etc. You can assign different colors and patterns to different area types and categories to visualize them clearly. You can also generate area legends that show the symbols and descriptions of your area schemes.

How to install and access Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension in Revit 2014?

To install Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Download the installer from this link.
  2. Run the installer and follow the instructions on the screen.
  3. Restart Revit 2014 if it is running.

To access Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open Revit 2014 and open your project.
  2. Go to the Add-Ins tab on the ribbon.
  3. You will see two new panels: Roombook and Areabook.

The Roombook panel allows you to calculate and document room areas and volumes. The Areabook panel allows you to create and edit area plans and schemes.

How to change the language of Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension?

Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension supports 16 languages: English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Romanian, Turkish, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Japanese, and Korean.

To change the language of Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Close Revit 2014 if it is running.
  2. Go to the folder where Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension is installed. The default location is C:\Program Files\Autodesk\RoombookAreabookExtensionForRevit2014\.
  3. Open the file named Language.ini with a text editor.
  4. Change the value of LanguageCode to the code of the language you want to use. For example, if you want to use French, change it to FR.
  5. Save and close the file.
  6. Restart Revit 2014 and open your project.

You will see that the interface of Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension has changed to the language you selected. The calculation rules and parameters will also be translated accordingly. However, note that some elements in your project may not be translated automatically, such as room names, area types, area categories, etc. You may need to manually edit them in your project or in a shared parameter file.

How to customize the calculation rules and parameters for different languages?

Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension allows you to customize the calculation rules and parameters for different languages. You can define how to handle openings, baseboards, moldings, and other details in your calculations. You can also specify the units, precision, rounding, and formatting of your results.

To customize the calculation rules and parameters for different languages, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open Revit 2014 and open your project.
  2. Go to the Add-Ins tab on the ribbon.
  3. Click on the Roombook panel and then click on Settings.
  4. You will see a dialog box with four tabs: General, Openings, Baseboards/Moldings, and Units/Format.
  5. On the General tab, you can choose whether to include or exclude openings in your calculations. You can also choose whether to calculate wall areas based on room boundaries or wall faces.
  6. On the Openings tab, you can define how to handle openings in your calculations. You can choose whether to include or exclude openings based on their type, size, location, or orientation. You can also specify a minimum opening area or width to be considered in your calculations.
  7. On the Baseboards/Moldings tab, you can define how to handle baseboards and moldings in your calculations. You can choose whether to include or exclude baseboards and moldings based on their type or location. You can also specify a minimum baseboard or molding height to be considered in your calculations.
  8. On the Units/Format tab, you can specify the units, precision, rounding, and formatting of your results. You can choose from different unit systems and measurement types. You can also adjust the decimal places and rounding options for your results. You can also choose how to format your results with symbols, separators, prefixes, suffixes, etc.
  9. Click OK to save your settings.

Note that these settings are project-specific and language-specific. They will apply only to the current project and the current language of Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension. If you want to use the same settings for other projects or languages, you need to export them as a shared parameter file and import them accordingly.

How to create and edit area plans and schemes for different languages?

Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension also allows you to create and edit area plans and schemes for different languages. You can create area plans for different levels in your project and assign different area types and categories to them. You can also create area schemes that define the rules and parameters for calculating and displaying areas.

To create and edit area plans and schemes for different languages, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Open Revit 2014 and open your project.
  2. Go to the Add-Ins tab on the ribbon.
  3. Click on the Areabook panel and then click on Create Area Plan.
  4. You will see a dialog box where you can select one or more levels in your project and choose an area scheme for them. You can also create a new area scheme by clicking on New.
  5. Click OK to create a new area plan view for each level you selected.
  6. In the area plan view, you can use the Area tool on the ribbon to place areas in your plan. You can also use the Modify tool to edit or delete areas.
  7. In the Properties palette, you can assign different area types and categories to your areas. You can also edit the name, number, comments, and other properties of your areas.
  8. To edit an existing area scheme or create a new one, you can click on Edit Area Scheme on the Areabook panel. You will see a dialog box where you can add, remove, or modify area types and categories. You can also adjust the calculation rules and parameters for each area type and category.
  9. To create an area legend for your area scheme, you can click on Area Legend on the Areabook panel. You will see a dialog box where you can select an area scheme and choose a location for the legend. You can also edit the title, columns, rows, symbols, descriptions, and other properties of your legend.

Note that these area plans and schemes are project-specific and language-specific. They will apply only to the current project and the current language of Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension. If you want to use the same area plans and schemes for other projects or languages, you need to export them as a shared parameter file and import them accordingly.


Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension is a free add-in for Autodesk Revit 2014 that helps you calculate and document room areas and volumes in your projects. It also helps you create room finish schedules, area plans, area schemes, and area legends. It supports multiple languages, making it easier for you to work with Revit 2014 in a multilingual environment.

In this article, we have shown you how to use Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension for Revit 2014 in multiple languages. We have covered the following topics:

  • What is Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension and what can it do?
  • How to install and access Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension in Revit 2014?
  • How to change the language of Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension?
  • How to customize the calculation rules and parameters for different languages?
  • How to create and edit area plans and schemes for different languages?

We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for reading!


Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension is a free add-in for Autodesk Revit 2014 that helps you calculate and document room areas and volumes in your projects. It also helps you create room finish schedules, area plans, area schemes, and area legends. It supports multiple languages, making it easier for you to work with Revit 2014 in a multilingual environment.

In this article, we have shown you how to use Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension for Revit 2014 in multiple languages. We have covered the following topics:

  • What is Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension and what can it do?
  • How to install and access Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension in Revit 2014?
  • How to change the language of Autodesk Roombook Areabook Extension?
  • How to customize the calculation rules and parameters for different languages?
  • How to create and edit area plans and schemes for different languages?

We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for reading![FULL]
