AaTTF Crack + [Latest]
Converts TrueType fonts into Anti-Alias TrueType Fonts (An anti-alias fonts are fonts which have been smoothed).
The preview quality is the same as when you convert a TrueType font. However, the anti-alias fonts have a smaller file size (about 1/3 of the original file size).
Make the font smaller without loosing quality… There is no need to set the minimum point size as of version 1.9.
Right-click anywhere on the preview font and choose “Create Borderless”
This will reduce the font to the bottom panel…
Notice that you can click on the font preview to return to the default point size, and if you try to resize the font, the preview will expand out to fit the default size.
Get all the Anti-alias fonts for your theme.
Make the font smaller without loosing quality… There is no need to set the minimum point size as of version 1.9.
Right-click anywhere on the preview font and choose “Create Borderless”
This will reduce the font to the bottom panel…
Notice that you can click on the font preview to return to the default point size, and if you try to resize the font, the preview will expand out to fit the default size.
Show all uninstalled fonts that are available for your skin.
Make the font smaller without loosing quality… There is no need to set the minimum point size as of version 1.9.
Right-click anywhere on the preview font and choose “Create Borderless”
This will reduce the font to the bottom panel…
Notice that you can click on the font preview to return to the default point size, and if you try to resize the font, the preview will expand out to fit the default size.
Get all the Anti-alias fonts for your theme.
Make the font smaller without loosing quality… There is no need to set the minimum point size as of version 1.9.
Right-click anywhere on the preview font and choose “Create Borderless”
This will reduce the font to the bottom panel…
Notice that you can click on the font preview to return to the default point size, and if you try to resize the font, the preview will expand out to fit the default size.
There is no need to
AaTTF With License Code Download
[in] bnFontName: the name of the TrueType font to convert.
[in] bnScaleFactor: Scaling factor between font size and desired size. 1: original font size. 0: conversion to aaTTF Free Download default smoothing.
[out] outFontName: name of the all-smoothed TrueType font.
[in] outNodes: TrueType font nodes that represent different parts of the font.
[out] outSubsets: aaTTF subset description to be applied to all nodes.
[out] outSkin: if aaTTF is used on a skin with properties, it will be written here.
See this documentation of aaTTF application:
If you use it, I would love to hear from you 🙂
In this example, the source font is Times New Roman, and the destination font is Segoe UI.
Note that all characters are converted from the same font family but with different sizes.
If the font was smoothed for “regular” size, it will remain unsmoothed when converted to smaller sizes. However, the original smoothing is still preserved.
KEYMACRO Description:
[in] sourceFontName: the name of the TrueType font to convert.
[in] sourceNodes: TrueType font nodes that represent different parts of the font.
[in] sourceSubsets: aaTTF subset description to be applied to all nodes.
[out] outFontName: name of the all-smoothed TrueType font.
[in] outNodes: TrueType font nodes that represent different parts of the font.
[out] outSubsets: aaTTF subset description to be applied to all nodes.
[out] outSkin: if aaTTF is used on a skin with properties, it will be written here.
See this documentation of aaTTF application:
If you use it, I would love to hear from you 🙂
This example shows how to remove duplicate styles from aaTTF source.
As shown in the documentation
AaTTF Download PC/Windows
Anti-Alias TrueType Font v2.0
From MSFT Software Engineering:
5.11.2017, zum Upload beim Windows AppStore.
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What’s New in the AaTTF?
This is the main features of this free Anti-Alias TrueType Font
– Anti-alias TrueType fonts at any size
– Convert and switch between smoothed and non-smoothed TrueType fonts at any size
– Automatically smoothed or non-smoothed TrueType fonts will be placed on top of each other.
The name aaTTF stands for Anti-Alias TrueType Font.
Have you ever noticed that most TrueType fonts look terrible when they are under 14 pts in size? They usually are not smoothed at those sizes.
The aaTTF application will allow you to convert TrueType fonts into all-smoothed versions, as well as to revert a font back to default smoothing behavior. This is particularly handy for BeatNik skin designers!
This is the main features of this free Anti-Alias TrueType Font
– Anti-alias TrueType fonts at any size
– Convert and switch between smoothed and non-smoothed TrueType fonts at any size
– Automatically smoothed or non-smoothed TrueType fonts will be placed on top of each other.
]]>aaTTF for Beatnik
Tue, 12 Mar 2008 22:03:21 +0000 for Beatnik added by Beatnikadmin on Wednesday, April 4, 2004 08:03 AM
]]>aaTTF for Beatnik
Tue, 12 Mar 2008 22:03:21 +0000 for Beatnik added by Beatnikadmin on Wednesday, April 4, 2004 08:03 AM
]]>aaTTF for Beatnik
Tue, 12 Mar 2008 22:03:21 +0000 for Beatnik added by Beatnikadmin on Wednesday, April 4, 2004 08:03 AM
]]>Anti-Alias TrueType Fonts
Mon, 11 Mar 2008 18:59:07 +0000Beatnikadmin144139
Anti-alias TrueType fonts at any size.
Convert and switch between smoothed and non-smoothed TrueType fonts at any size.
Automatically smoothed or non-smoothed TrueType fonts will be placed on top of each other.
The name aaTTF stands for Anti-Alias TrueType Font.
Have you ever noticed that most TrueType fonts look terrible when they are under
System Requirements:
1.1 – System requirements have changed, check the latest requirements for up-to-date information.
For best experience, GeForce GTX 970 or later, AMD Radeon R9 290 or better or Intel HD 2000 or better graphics are recommended.
1.2 – For macOS users, the recommended recommended minimum specifications are:
AMD Radeon R9 290, 2GB VRAM, 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo or better.
GeForce GTX 970 or better, 3GB VRAM, 2.8GHz Core i5 or better.