__EXCLUSIVE__ Download Uu No 10 Tahun 2016

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Download UU No 10 Tahun 2016: What You Need to Know

If you are interested in the political and legal affairs of Indonesia, you might want to download UU No 10 Tahun 2016. This is a law that was passed by the Indonesian parliament on June 30, 2016, to amend the previous law on the election of governors, regents, and mayors (UU No 1 Tahun 2015). The law aims to improve the democratic process, reduce conflicts, and enhance accountability in the local governance of Indonesia. In this article, we will explain what UU No 10 Tahun 2016 is, why it was enacted, what are its main changes, what are its benefits and challenges, and how you can download it online.

The Background of UU No 10 Tahun 2016

The election of local leaders in Indonesia is regulated by a law that was enacted in 2015 (UU No 1 Tahun 2015). This law was based on a government regulation that replaced a previous law that was annulled by the Constitutional Court in 2014. The previous law allowed political parties to nominate candidates for local elections, while the government regulation required candidates to be supported by a minimum number of voters or parties. The government regulation was intended to reduce the influence of political parties and increase the participation of independent candidates in local elections.

However, UU No 1 Tahun 2015 also had some problems that needed to be addressed. For example, the law did not specify the source and mechanism of funding for local elections, which led to uncertainty and corruption. The law also did not provide clear procedures and institutions for resolving disputes and complaints related to local elections, which resulted in conflicts and violence. Moreover, the law did not regulate the criteria and process for determining the winners of local elections, which caused confusion and controversy.

The Main Changes of UU No 10 Tahun 2016

To overcome these problems, the Indonesian parliament passed UU No 10 Tahun 2016 as a second amendment to UU No 1 Tahun 2015. The amended law introduced some significant changes to the regulation of local elections in Indonesia. Some of these changes are:

  • The funding for local elections will be provided by the central government through a special allocation fund (DAK) that will be distributed to the provincial and district governments according to a formula based on population, area, and fiscal capacity.
  • The administration of local elections will be supervised by an independent body called the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu), which will have branches at the provincial and district levels. Bawaslu will have the authority to monitor, investigate, and sanction any violations or irregularities in local elections.
  • The dispute resolution of local elections will be handled by a special court called the Constitutional Court for Local Elections (MKP), which will be established under the Supreme Court. MKP will have the power to adjudicate any disputes or complaints related to local elections within a maximum period of 45 days.
  • The determination of the winners of local elections will be based on a simple majority system, meaning that the candidate pair with the highest number of valid votes will be declared as the winner. If no candidate pair obtains more than 50% of the valid votes, there will be no second round of voting. If there is a tie between two or more candidate pairs, the winner will be decided by drawing lots.

The Benefits and Challenges of UU No 10 Tahun 2016

UU No 10 Tahun 2016 has been praised by some experts and observers as a positive step to improve the quality and credibility of local elections in Indonesia. Some of the benefits of the amended law are:

  • The funding for local elections will be more transparent and accountable, as the central government will have the responsibility to allocate and audit the budget for local elections. This will also reduce the burden and dependency of local governments on external sources of funding, such as political parties or private donors.
  • The supervision and dispute resolution of local elections will be more independent and effective, as Bawaslu and MKP will have the mandate and capacity to oversee and enforce the rules and regulations of local elections. This will also prevent and resolve any conflicts or violence that may arise from local elections.
  • The determination of the winners of local elections will be more simple and fair, as the simple majority system will ensure that the candidate pair with the most popular support will be elected as the local leader. This will also avoid the need and cost of holding a second round of voting, which may reduce voter turnout and increase voter fatigue.

However, UU No 10 Tahun 2016 also faces some challenges and criticisms that need to be addressed. Some of these challenges are:

  • The funding for local elections may not be sufficient and equitable, as the central government may not allocate enough resources or distribute them fairly to different regions. This may affect the quality and accessibility of local elections, especially in remote or underdeveloped areas.
  • The administration and dispute resolution of local elections may not be consistent and impartial, as Bawaslu and MKP may not have enough human and financial resources or may be influenced by political or personal interests. This may affect the integrity and legitimacy of local elections, especially in contentious or controversial cases.
  • The determination of the winners of local elections may not be representative and inclusive, as the simple majority system may exclude or marginalize minority groups or interests. This may affect the diversity and harmony of local governance, especially in heterogeneous or divided societies.

How to Download UU No 10 Tahun 2016

If you want to download UU No 10 Tahun 2016, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the official website of the Indonesian parliament (DPR) at www.dpr.go.id.
  2. Click on the menu “Peraturan” (Regulations) and then select “Undang-Undang” (Laws).
  3. Scroll down to find UU No 10 Tahun 2016 on “Perubahan Kedua Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2015 Tentang Penetapan Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2014 Tentang Pemilihan Gubernur, Bupati, Dan Walikota Menjadi Undang-Undang” (The Second Amendment to Law Number 1 Year 2015 on The Determination of Government Regulation in Lieu of Law Number 1 Year 2014 on The Election of Governors, Regents, And Mayors Into Law).
  4. Click on the link “Download” to download the full text of the law in PDF format.
  5. You can also access other sources that provide the full text of the law online, such as www.hukumonline.com, www.jdih.kemendagri.go.id, or www.setneg.go.id.


In conclusion, UU No 10 Tahun 2016 is a law that was passed in Indonesia in 2016 to amend the previous law on the election of local leaders. The law aims to improve the democratic process, reduce conflicts, and enhance accountability in the local governance of Indonesia. The law introduces some significant changes to the funding, administration, dispute resolution, and determination of winners of local elections. The law has some benefits and challenges that need to be considered and addressed. If you want to download UU No 10 Tahun 2016, you can follow some simple steps or visit some reliable sources online.

We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or comments about UU No 10 Tahun 2016, feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear from you and answer your queries. Thank you for reading and have a great day!


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about UU No 10 Tahun 2016:

  1. What is the purpose of UU No 10 Tahun 2016?
    The purpose of UU No 10 Tahun 2016 is to amend the previous law on the election of local leaders in Indonesia (UU No 1 Tahun 2015) and to improve the democratic process, reduce conflicts, and enhance accountability in the local governance of Indonesia.
  2. What are the main changes of UU No 10 Tahun 2016?
    The main changes of UU No 10 Tahun 2016 are related to the funding, administration, dispute resolution, and determination of winners of local elections in Indonesia. The law provides a clear source and mechanism of funding for local elections, establishes an independent body and a special court to supervise and resolve local elections, and adopts a simple majority system to determine the winners of local elections.
  3. What are the benefits and challenges of UU No 10 Tahun 2016?
    The benefits of UU No 10 Tahun 2016 are that it will make the funding for local elections more transparent and accountable, the supervision and dispute resolution of local elections more independent and effective, and the determination of the winners of local elections more simple and fair. The challenges of UU No 10 Tahun 2016 are that it may not ensure sufficient and equitable funding for local elections, consistent and impartial administration and dispute resolution of local elections, and representative and inclusive determination of the winners of local elections.
  4. How can I download UU No 10 Tahun 2016?
    You can download UU No 10 Tahun 2016 by visiting the official website of the Indonesian parliament (DPR) at www.dpr.go.id and following some simple steps. You can also access other sources that provide the full text of the law online, such as www.hukumonline.com, www.jdih.kemendagri.go.id, or www.setneg.go.id.
  5. Where can I find more information about UU No 10 Tahun 2016?
    You can find more information about UU No 10 Tahun 2016 by reading some articles or reports that analyze the law and its implications, such as https://www.thejakartapost.com/news/2016/07/01/house-passes-local-election-bill.html, https://www.csis.or.id/publications/pemilukada-2020-antara-uu-no-10-tahun-2016-dan-pandemi-covid-19/, or https://www.kemitraan.or.id/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Policy-Brief-Pilkada-Serentak-2020.pdf. You can also consult some experts or stakeholders who are involved or interested in local elections in Indonesia, such as academics, journalists, activists, or politicians.


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