Beast Trojan 2.06 Free Download [PORTABLE]


Beast Trojan 2.06 Free Download: What You Need to Know

If you are looking for a way to download Beast Trojan 2.06 for free, you might want to think twice before you do so. Beast Trojan is a malicious software that can compromise your computer’s security and privacy, and expose you to various cyber threats. In this article, we will explain what Beast Trojan is, how it works, why it is dangerous, how to download it, how to remove it, and how to avoid it.

What is Beast Trojan 2.06?

Beast Trojan is a type of backdoor Trojan or RAT (Remote Access Tool) that was designed to target Windows versions from Win 95 up to Windows XP. It was created by a hacker named Tataye in 2004, and became one of the most popular Trojans in its time.

A brief history of Beast Trojan

Beast Trojan was based on an earlier Trojan called SubSeven, which was also widely used by hackers in the late 1990s and early 2000s. SubSeven allowed hackers to remotely control infected computers, spy on users, steal data, launch attacks, and perform other malicious actions.

Beast Trojan improved on SubSeven by adding some innovative features, such as reverse connection, encryption, compression, anti-debugging, anti-virus killing, file injection, registry manipulation, and more. These features made Beast Trojan more stealthy, powerful, and versatile than SubSeven.

The features and functions of Beast Trojan

Beast Trojan has a client-server architecture, which means that it consists of two components: a server (the infected file) and a client (the hacker’s tool). The server is usually disguised as a legitimate program or file, such as a game, a movie, a document, or an update. The client is a graphical user interface that allows the hacker to connect to the server and control the infected computer.

Some of the features and functions of Beast Trojan include:

  • File manager: allows the hacker to view, edit, delete, upload, download, execute, or move files on the infected computer.
  • Process manager: allows the hacker to view, terminate, or start processes on the infected computer.
  • Registry editor: allows the hacker to view, edit, delete, or add registry keys and values on the infected computer.
  • Screen capture: allows the hacker to take screenshots of the infected computer’s desktop or webcam.
  • Keylogger: allows the hacker to record keystrokes on the infected computer.
  • Password stealer: allows the hacker to steal passwords stored on the infected computer.
  • Chat monitor: allows the hacker to monitor chat conversations on the infected computer.
  • Email sender: allows the hacker to send emails from the infected computer.
  • Web browser hijacker: allows the hacker to change the homepage or search engine of the web browser on the infected computer.
  • System information viewer: allows the hacker to view system information on the infected computer.
  • System control panel: allows the hacker to change system settings on the infected computer.
  • Fake error message generator: allows the hacker to create fake error messages on the infected computer.
  • Windows interface manipulator: allows the hacker to lock the mouse, hide the taskbar, change the desktop wallpaper, or play sounds on the infected computer.
  • The risks and dangers of Beast Trojan

    As you can see, Beast Trojan is a very dangerous and harmful software that can cause serious damage to your computer and your personal information. By downloading Beast Trojan, you are putting yourself at risk of:

    • Identity theft: the hacker can steal your personal information, such as your name, address, phone number, email, social security number, bank account, credit card, or online accounts.
    • Data loss: the hacker can delete or encrypt your important files, such as your photos, videos, documents, or music.
    • Malware infection: the hacker can install other malware on your computer, such as viruses, worms, ransomware, spyware, adware, or rootkits.
    • Network compromise: the hacker can use your computer as a proxy or a botnet to launch attacks on other computers or websites.
    • Legal trouble: the hacker can use your computer to commit illegal activities, such as hacking, fraud, spamming, phishing, or cyberbullying.

    Therefore, it is not advisable to download Beast Trojan 2.06 for free, even if you are curious or want to experiment with it. You are not only endangering yourself, but also others who might be affected by your actions.

    How to download Beast Trojan 2.06 for free?

    If you still want to download Beast Trojan 2.06 for free, despite the risks and dangers involved, you should know that it is not easy to find a reliable and safe source. Most of the websites that claim to offer Beast Trojan 2.06 for free are either fake, infected, or outdated.

    The sources and methods of downloading Beast Trojan

    Some of the possible sources and methods of downloading Beast Trojan 2.06 for free are:

    • Torrent sites: these are websites that allow users to share files using peer-to-peer networks. However, torrent sites are often unregulated and full of malware. You might end up downloading a fake or infected file instead of Beast Trojan.
    • Hacking forums: these are online communities where hackers and cybercriminals share tools and techniques. You might be able to find a link or a file of Beast Trojan 2.06 on some hacking forums. However, hacking forums are also risky and unreliable. You might encounter scams, viruses, or hostile users who might try to hack you back.
    • Dark web: this is a hidden part of the internet that is only accessible through special software, such as Tor. The dark web hosts many illegal and shady activities, such as drug trafficking, human trafficking, weapons dealing, and hacking. You might be able to find a copy of Beast Trojan 2.06 on some dark web sites. However, the dark web is also very dangerous and unpredictable. You might expose yourself to more malware, hackers, law enforcement agencies, or other threats.

    The precautions and warnings of downloading Beast Trojan

    If you decide to download Beast Trojan 2.06 from any of these sources or methods, you should take some precautions and warnings into account:

    • Use a VPN: a VPN (Virtual Private Network) is a service that encrypts and anonymizes your internet traffic. It can help you hide your IP address and location from hackers and authorities. However, not all VPNs are trustworthy or secure. You should do some research before choosing a VPN provider.
    • Use a sandbox: a sandbox is a software that isolates and runs programs in a separate environment from your main system. It can help you test and analyze suspicious files without affecting your computer. However, not all sandboxes are effective or foolproof. Some malware can escape or bypass the sandbox.
    • Use an antivirus: an antivirus is a software that detects and removes malware from your computer. It can help you protect your computer from infection or damage. However, not all antiviruses are updated or compatible with Beast Trojan 2.06. Some malware can evade or disable the antivirus.

    The alternatives and solutions to downloading Beast Trojan

    If you want to learn more about hacking or cybersecurity without downloading Beast Trojan 2.06 for free, there are some alternatives and solutions that you can try:

    • Ethical hacking courses: these are online courses that teach you the basics and advanced skills of ethical hacking or penetration testing. Ethical hacking is the practice of testing the security of systems or networks with permission and for good purposes. Ethical hacking courses can help you learn how to use various tools and techniques legally and safely.
    • Cybersecurity blogs: these are cybersecurity blogs: these are websites that provide news, insights, tips, and tutorials on various topics related to cybersecurity. Cybersecurity blogs can help you stay updated and informed about the latest trends, threats, and solutions in the field of cybersecurity.
    • Cybersecurity games: these are interactive games that simulate real-world scenarios or challenges related to cybersecurity. Cybersecurity games can help you develop your problem-solving, analytical, and creative skills in a fun and engaging way.

    These alternatives and solutions can help you satisfy your curiosity or interest in hacking or cybersecurity without putting yourself or others at risk of downloading Beast Trojan 2.06 for free.

    How to remove Beast Trojan 2.06 from your computer?

    If you have already downloaded Beast Trojan 2.06 for free and infected your computer with it, you should act quickly and remove it as soon as possible. Beast Trojan 2.06 can cause serious harm to your computer and your personal information if left unchecked.

    The signs and symptoms of Beast Trojan infection

    Some of the signs and symptoms of Beast Trojan infection include:

    • Slow or unstable performance: your computer might run slower or crash more often than usual.
    • Unusual or unwanted activities: you might notice strange or unwanted activities on your computer, such as files being modified or deleted, programs being installed or uninstalled, settings being changed, or sounds being played.
    • Unexplained network traffic: you might notice an increase in network traffic or bandwidth usage on your computer, especially when you are not using the internet.
    • Security alerts or warnings: you might receive security alerts or warnings from your antivirus, firewall, or other security software, indicating that your computer is infected or under attack.
    • Remote access or control: you might lose access or control over your computer, mouse, keyboard, webcam, microphone, or other devices, as the hacker takes over them remotely.

    The tools and steps of removing Beast Trojan

    Some of the tools and steps of removing Beast Trojan 2.06 from your computer are:

    • Disconnect from the internet: you should disconnect your computer from the internet as soon as you suspect that it is infected with Beast Trojan. This can help you prevent the hacker from accessing or controlling your computer remotely, or spreading the infection to other computers or websites.
    • Scan your computer with an antivirus: you should scan your computer with a reputable and updated antivirus software that can detect and remove Beast Trojan 2.06 from your system. You should also scan any removable devices, such as USB drives, CDs, DVDs, or external hard drives, that might be infected with Beast Trojan.
    • Clean your registry: you should clean your registry with a reliable and effective registry cleaner software that can remove any traces of Beast Trojan 2.06 from your registry. The registry is a database that stores various settings and information for your system and programs. Beast Trojan 2.06 might create or modify some registry keys or values that can affect your system’s performance or security.
    • Restore your system: you should restore your system to a previous state before you downloaded Beast Trojan 2.06 for free. You can use the System Restore feature in Windows to do this. System Restore allows you to revert your system to a point in time when it was working properly. However, System Restore might not work if Beast Trojan 2.06 has disabled it or deleted the restore points.
    • Reinstall your system: if none of the above steps work, you might have to reinstall your system from scratch. This means that you have to format your hard drive and install a new copy of Windows on it. This can help you get rid of Beast Trojan 2.06 completely from your computer. However, this also means that you will lose all your data and programs on your hard drive, unless you have backed them up beforehand.

    The tips and tricks of preventing Beast Trojan infection

    Some of the tips and tricks of preventing Beast Trojan infection are:

    • Avoid downloading suspicious files: you should avoid downloading files from unknown or untrusted sources, such as torrent sites, hacking forums, dark web sites, spam emails, pop-up ads, or fake updates. These files might contain Beast Trojan 2.06 or other malware that can infect your computer.
    • Check file extensions: you should check the file extensions of the files that you download before opening them. File extensions are the letters that follow the dot in a file name, such as .exe, .docx, .jpg, etc. They indicate the type and format of the file. Beast Trojan 2.06 usually has an .exe extension, which means that it is an executable file that can run on your computer. However, some files might have double extensions, such as .jpg.exe, which means that they are actually executable files disguised as image files. You should be careful of such files and not open them.
    • Scan files with an antivirus: you should scan the files that you download with a reputable and updated antivirus software before opening them. This can help you detect and remove any malware that might be hidden in the files, such as Beast Trojan 2.06.
    • Update your system and programs: you should update your system and programs regularly with the latest patches and security fixes. This can help you fix any vulnerabilities or bugs that might be exploited by hackers or malware, such as Beast Trojan 2.06.
    • Use a firewall: you should use a firewall to monitor and control the incoming and outgoing network traffic on your computer. A firewall can help you block or allow certain connections or applications that might be malicious or suspicious, such as Beast Trojan 2.06.


    Beast Trojan 2.06 is a malicious software that can compromise your computer’s security and privacy, and expose you to various cyber threats. It is not advisable to download Beast Trojan 2.06 for free, even if you are curious or want to experiment with it. You are not only endangering yourself, but also others who might be affected by your actions. If you have already downloaded Beast Trojan 2.06 for free and infected your computer with it, you should act quickly and remove it as soon as possible. You should also take some preventive measures to avoid getting infected by Beast Trojan 2.06 or other malware in the future.


    Here are some frequently asked questions about Beast Trojan 2.06:

    Question Answer
    Is Beast Trojan 2.06 still active? Beast Trojan 2.06 is an old malware that was created in 2004 and targeted Windows versions from Win 95 up to Windows XP. It is unlikely that it is still active or effective on modern systems or platforms. However, there might be some variants or modifications of Beast Trojan 2.06 that might still pose a threat.
    Is Beast Trojan 2.06 detectable by antivirus? Beast Trojan 2.06 has some features that can evade or disable antivirus software, such as encryption, compression, anti-debugging, anti-virus killing, file injection, etc. However, most reputable and updated antivirus software can detect and remove Beast Trojan 2.06 from your system.
    Is Beast Trojan 2.06 legal? Beast Trojan 2.06 is illegal in most countries and regions, as it violates the laws and regulations on computer security, privacy, and cybercrime. Downloading, using, or distributing Beast Trojan 2.06 can result in legal consequences, such as fines, arrests, or imprisonment.
    Is Beast Trojan 2.06 ethical? Beast Trojan 2.06 is unethical in most cases, as it infringes on the rights and interests of other users, systems, or networks. Using Beast Trojan 2.06 to hack, spy, steal, damage, or harm others is immoral and irresponsible.
    Is Beast Trojan 2.06 safe? Beast Trojan 2.06 is not safe in any way, as it can cause serious harm to your computer and your personal information. Downloading Beast Trojan 2.06 for free can expose you to various cyber threats, such as identity theft, data loss, malware infection, network compromise, legal trouble, etc.
