Factorytalk View Studio Serial Number _TOP_

FactoryTalk View Studio Serial Number: A Complete Guide for Beginners

If you are new to FactoryTalk View Studio, you might be wondering what is a serial number and why do you need it. A serial number is a unique code that identifies your software license and allows you to activate and use FactoryTalk View Studio. Without a valid serial number, you cannot run FactoryTalk View Studio or create and edit HMI applications.

How to Get a Serial Number for FactoryTalk View Studio

There are two ways to get a serial number for FactoryTalk View Studio: subscription or perpetual with maintenance. Subscription is a flexible option that lets you pay an annual fee and get access to the latest version of FactoryTalk View Studio and other Rockwell Automation software products. Perpetual with maintenance is a one-time purchase that gives you a permanent license for a specific version of FactoryTalk View Studio and includes technical support and software updates for a period of time.

To get a serial number for FactoryTalk View Studio, you need to order the product from Rockwell Automation or an authorized distributor. You can choose between different versions of FactoryTalk View Studio depending on your needs:

  • FactoryTalk View Studio Enterprise: This version can be used to develop both FactoryTalk View SE and ME applications. FactoryTalk View SE is for distributed systems that require a server and multiple clients, while FactoryTalk View ME is for single workstation applications that can run on Windows-based computers or PanelView Plus terminals.
  • FactoryTalk View Studio Machine Edition: This version can be used to develop only FactoryTalk View ME applications.

After you order the product, you will receive an email with your serial number and product key. You will need these information to activate your software license.

How to Activate Your Serial Number for FactoryTalk View Studio

To activate your serial number for FactoryTalk View Studio, you need to download and install the software from the Rockwell Automation Download Center. You will also need to download and install the FactoryTalk Activation Manager, which is a tool that manages your software activations.

After you install the software, you need to launch the FactoryTalk Activation Manager and follow these steps:

  1. Select Get New Activations from the left pane.
  2. Enter your serial number and product key in the fields provided.
  3. Select the activation method that suits your situation. You can choose between Internet, Email, or Phone.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the activation process.

Once you activate your serial number, you can start using FactoryTalk View Studio to create and edit HMI applications.

How to Find Your Serial Number for FactoryTalk View Studio

If you already have a serial number for FactoryTalk View Studio, but you forgot or lost it, you can find it using the FactoryTalk Activation Manager. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Launch the FactoryTalk Activation Manager and select Manage Activations from the left pane.
  2. Select Show Activations from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select the activation that corresponds to your FactoryTalk View Studio product and version.
  4. Click on Details to see your serial number and product key.

You can also use the FactoryTalk Activation Manager to rehost or transfer your activations to another computer, or to borrow or return activations for temporary use.

How to Use Your Serial Number for FactoryTalk View Studio

Once you have a valid serial number and activation for FactoryTalk View Studio, you can use it to create and edit HMI applications for different platforms. You can choose between two types of applications:

  • FactoryTalk View SE applications: These are for distributed systems that require a server and multiple clients. You can use FactoryTalk View SE applications to monitor and control large-scale processes across multiple locations. You can also use FactoryTalk ViewPoint to access your applications from any web browser.
  • FactoryTalk View ME applications: These are for single workstation applications that can run on Windows-based computers or PanelView Plus terminals. You can use FactoryTalk View ME applications to monitor and control small-scale processes in a single location. You can also use PanelView Plus terminals to provide a graphical interface for your operators.

To create and edit HMI applications, you need to use the FactoryTalk View Studio design environment. This is where you can access the editors and tools that help you design your user interface, configure your data sources, define your security settings, and test your applications. You can also use the Application Documenter tool to generate documentation for your applications.

How to Troubleshoot Your Serial Number for FactoryTalk View Studio

Sometimes, you might encounter some issues with your serial number or activation for FactoryTalk View Studio. For example, you might get an error message that says your serial number is invalid, expired, or already in use. Here are some possible solutions to fix these issues:

  • Make sure you entered your serial number and product key correctly. Check for any typos or extra spaces.
  • Make sure you have an active internet connection if you are using the internet activation method.
  • Make sure you have the latest version of FactoryTalk Activation Manager installed on your computer.
  • Make sure you have enough available activations for your serial number. You can check this by logging in to the Rockwell Automation Product Activation website.
  • Make sure you are not using the same serial number on more than one computer. You can rehost or transfer your activations to another computer using the FactoryTalk Activation Manager.
  • Make sure your computer’s date and time settings are correct.
  • Contact Rockwell Automation Technical Support if none of the above solutions work.

How to Update Your Serial Number for FactoryTalk View Studio

If you have a perpetual with maintenance license for FactoryTalk View Studio, you might want to update your serial number to get access to the latest version of the software. To do this, you need to renew your maintenance contract with Rockwell Automation or an authorized distributor. You will then receive an email with your new serial number and product key.

To update your serial number for FactoryTalk View Studio, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the latest version of FactoryTalk View Studio from the Rockwell Automation Download Center.
  2. Launch the FactoryTalk Activation Manager and select Manage Activations from the left pane.
  3. Select Rehost Activations from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select the activation that corresponds to your old serial number and click on Rehost.
  5. Follow the instructions on the screen to rehost your activation to the Rockwell Automation Product Activation website.
  6. Select Get New Activations from the left pane.
  7. Enter your new serial number and product key in the fields provided.
  8. Select the activation method that suits your situation. You can choose between Internet, Email, or Phone.
  9. Follow the instructions on the screen to complete the activation process.

Once you update your serial number, you can start using the latest version of FactoryTalk View Studio to create and edit HMI applications.

How to Manage Your Serial Number for FactoryTalk View Studio

If you have multiple serial numbers for FactoryTalk View Studio, you might want to manage them in an efficient way. You can use the Rockwell Automation Product Activation website to view and manage your serial numbers and activations. You can also use the FactoryTalk Activation Tool to automate some of the activation tasks.

To manage your serial numbers for FactoryTalk View Studio, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Rockwell Automation Product Activation website using your email address and password.
  2. Select My Products from the top menu.
  3. Select FactoryTalk View Studio from the list of products.
  4. You will see a table that shows your serial numbers, product keys, activations, expiration dates, and other information.
  5. You can use the buttons on the right side of the table to perform various actions, such as rehosting, borrowing, returning, or transferring activations.
  6. You can also use the FactoryTalk Activation Tool to automate some of these actions. The tool is a command-line utility that allows you to perform batch activations, rehosts, borrows, returns, or transfers. You can download the tool from the Rockwell Automation Download Center.

How to Secure Your Serial Number for FactoryTalk View Studio

Your serial number for FactoryTalk View Studio is a valuable asset that you need to protect from unauthorized use or theft. If someone else uses your serial number without your permission, you might lose access to your software license or face legal consequences. Here are some tips to secure your serial number for FactoryTalk View Studio:

  • Do not share your serial number and product key with anyone. Keep them in a safe place and do not write them down or store them in an insecure location.
  • Do not use your serial number on more than one computer. If you need to use FactoryTalk View Studio on another computer, you can rehost or transfer your activation using the FactoryTalk Activation Manager.
  • Do not use your serial number on a public or shared computer. If you need to use FactoryTalk View Studio on a temporary basis, you can borrow or return your activation using the FactoryTalk Activation Manager.
  • Do not use your serial number on a computer that is infected with malware or viruses. This might compromise your serial number and allow hackers to access your software license.
  • If you suspect that your serial number has been stolen or misused, contact Rockwell Automation Technical Support immediately. They can help you deactivate your serial number and issue you a new one.


In this article, you learned everything you need to know about FactoryTalk View Studio serial number. You learned how to get, activate, find, use, update, manage, and secure your serial number for FactoryTalk View Studio. You also learned how to create and edit HMI applications for different platforms using FactoryTalk View Studio.

FactoryTalk View Studio is a powerful and versatile software that allows you to design and develop HMI applications for your industrial control system. With a valid serial number and activation, you can access all the features and benefits of FactoryTalk View Studio and create stunning and interactive user interfaces for your operators.

If you have any questions or issues with your serial number or activation for FactoryTalk View Studio, you can contact Rockwell Automation Technical Support or visit their website for more information and resources.



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