Intrusion 2 Full Version Final Bossl

Intrusion 2 Full Version Final Boss: How to Defeat M.A.C.E and Complete the Game

Intrusion 2 is a side-scrolling action game that combines classic arcade shooting with physics-based gameplay. The game features a variety of enemies, weapons, and environments, as well as a challenging final boss named M.A.C.E.

M.A.C.E is a massive mech that has multiple forms and attacks. It is the last obstacle that stands between you and the end of the game. In this article, we will show you how to beat M.A.C.E and complete Intrusion 2.

What You Need to Know About M.A.C.E

M.A.C.E is the final boss of Intrusion 2, and it has three phases. Each phase has different attacks and weaknesses, and you will need to adapt your strategy accordingly.

The first phase is a helicopter-like form that flies around and shoots missiles and lasers at you. You will need to dodge its attacks and shoot at its weak spots: the propellers and the cockpit. You can use any weapon you have, but the rocket launcher and the railgun are especially effective.

The second phase is a tank-like form that rolls on the ground and fires cannons and rockets at you. You will need to avoid its projectiles and shoot at its weak spots: the turrets and the wheels. You can use any weapon you have, but the grenade launcher and the plasma gun are especially effective.

The third phase is a humanoid-like form that walks on two legs and uses melee attacks and energy blasts at you. You will need to dodge its attacks and shoot at its weak spot: the head. You can use any weapon you have, but the shotgun and the minigun are especially effective.

How to Beat M.A.C.E in Intrusion 2

Here are some tips and tricks to help you defeat M.A.C.E in Intrusion 2:

  • Use cover. There are various objects and structures that you can use to hide behind and avoid M.A.C.E’s attacks. Use them wisely and don’t stay in one place for too long.
  • Use explosives. There are barrels and crates that you can shoot to cause explosions that can damage M.A.C.E or distract it. Use them strategically and don’t get caught in the blast.
  • Use vehicles. There are vehicles that you can ride or hijack to move faster and deal more damage. Use them whenever you can and don’t let M.A.C.E destroy them.
  • Use power-ups. There are power-ups that you can collect to boost your health, ammo, or damage. Use them whenever you need them and don’t waste them.
  • Use your jetpack. You have a jetpack that you can use to fly around and reach higher places. Use it to dodge M.A.C.E’s attacks or get a better angle to shoot at its weak spots.


M.A.C.E is a tough final boss that will test your skills and patience in Intrusion 2. But with the right weapons, tactics, and power-ups, you can overcome it and finish the game. We hope this article helped you beat M.A.C.E and enjoy Intrusion 2.


M.A.C.E is a tough final boss that will test your skills and patience in Intrusion 2. But with the right weapons, tactics, and power-ups, you can overcome it and finish the game. We hope this article helped you beat M.A.C.E and enjoy Intrusion 2.


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