Obligation And Prohibition.pdf __LINK__


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How to practice modal verbs for obligation and prohibition

One of the best ways to learn and improve your use of modal verbs for obligation and prohibition is to practice them with exercises. Exercises can help you check your understanding, reinforce your knowledge, and identify your mistakes. There are many types of exercises you can do, such as multiple choice, gap fill, matching, rewriting, and so on.

In this PDF guide, you will find some exercises that will help you practice modal verbs for obligation and prohibition. You will also find the answers and explanations at the end of the guide. You can do the exercises online or print them out and do them on paper.

Exercise 1: Choose the correct option

In this exercise, you have to choose the correct option to complete the sentences. There are four options for each sentence: A, B, C, or D. Only one option is correct. Write the letter of the correct option in the space provided.

  1. You _______ use this product without protection.
    A) can
    B) can’t
    C) must
    D) mustn’t
    Answer: _______
  2. You _______ go to the ceremony if you don’t feel like it. It’ll be very boring anyway.
    A) have to
    B) don’t have to
    C) must
    D) mustn’t
    Answer: _______
  3. We took too much risk. We _______ that decision.
    A) have to
    B) don’t have to
    C) must
    D) mustn’t
    Answer: _______
  4. He _______ the bus because his brother picked him up at the station.
    A) have to
    B) don’t have to
    C) must
    D) mustn’t
    Answer: _______
  5. He _______ so much money on the trip last summer.
    A) have to
    B) don’t have to
    C) must
    D) mustn’t
    Answer: _______
  6. The refugees _______ work outside the camp.
    A) can
    B) can’t
    C) must
    D) mustn’t
    Answer: _______
  7. We couldn’t find a hotel so we _______ in the car. It was so uncomfortable!
    A) have to
    B) don’t have to
    C) must
    D) mustn’t
    Answer: _______
  8. You _______ forget to take your medicine.
    A) can
    B) can’t
    C) must
    D) mustn’t
    Answer: _______
  9. We _______ early because it was a holiday, so we slept till late.
    A) have to
    B) don’t have to<br
    C) must
    D) mustn't
    Answer: _____

    How to use modal verbs for obligation and prohibition in different situations

    Depending on the context and the tone of the speaker, we can use different modal verbs to express obligation and prohibition in different situations. Here are some examples of how to use modal verbs for obligation and prohibition in formal, informal, polite, and strong ways.

    Formal situations

    In formal situations, such as academic writing, business communication, legal documents, or official notices, we usually use more formal modal verbs, such as must, have to, required, not permitted, and so on. We also use more precise and objective language to express obligation and prohibition.

    For example:

    • All applicants must submit their CV and cover letter by email before the deadline.
    • Students have to complete all the assignments in order to pass the course.
    • Passengers are required to wear a face mask at all times during the flight.
    • Parking is not permitted on this street between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m.

    Informal situations

    In informal situations, such as casual conversations, personal emails, social media posts, or text messages, we usually use more informal modal verbs, such as can’t, don’t have to, need to, and so on. We also use more subjective and expressive language to express obligation and prohibition.

    For example:

    • I can’t believe you ate all the pizza. That’s so rude!
    • You don’t have to worry about me. I’m fine.
    • I need to get some sleep. I’m exhausted.
    • You can’t just ignore his messages. That’s not fair.

    Polite situations

    In polite situations, such as asking for or giving permission, making requests or offers, giving advice or suggestions, or expressing opinions or preferences, we usually use more polite modal verbs, such as could, may, should, ought to, and so on. We also use more respectful and courteous language to express obligation and prohibition.

    For example:

    • Could you please turn down the music? It’s too loud.
    • You may leave now if you have finished your work.
    • You should drink more water. It’s good for your health.
    • You ought to apologize to her. You hurt her feelings.

    Strong situations

    In strong situations, such as expressing necessity or urgency, giving orders or warnings, making threats or promises, or showing anger or frustration, we usually use more strong modal verbs, such as mustn’t, have to, can’t afford to, and so on. We also use more emphatic and forceful language to express obligation and prohibition.

    For example:

    • You mustn’t tell anyone about this. It’s a secret.
    • We have to finish this project by tomorrow. There’s no time to waste.
    • I can’t afford to lose this job. It’s my only source of income.
    • You won’t get away with this. I’ll make you pay for what you did.

    Obligation And Prohibition.pdf: A summary

    In this PDF guide, you have learned how to use modal verbs to express permission, prohibition, obligation, and no obligation in English. You have also learned how to practice them with exercises and how to use them in different situations. Here is a summary of what you have learned:

    • Obligation means that something is necessary or required. Prohibition means that something is not allowed or OK.
    • We can use different modal verbs to express different levels of formality and certainty when we talk about obligation and prohibition.
    • We can also use different modal verbs to express obligation and prohibition in different situations depending on the context and the tone of the speaker.
    • We can practice modal verbs for obligation and prohibition with exercises that test our understanding and reinforce our knowledge.

    We hope you have enjoyed this PDF guide and found it useful. If you want to learn more about modal verbs or other aspects of English grammar,
    please visit our website for more resources and tips.

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