

What You Need to Know About Derek Rake Shogun Method

If you are looking for a dating system that can help you get any woman you want, you may have heard of Derek Rake Shogun Method. But what is it exactly and how does it work? In this article, we will give you an overview of this powerful and controversial system of dating for men.

Who is Derek Rake?

Derek Rake is the founder of Shogun Method, the world’s one and only dating system based on authentic Mind Control technology. He is widely acknowledged as the leading international authority on using Mind Control and extreme persuasion in dating and relationships.

Derek Rake created Shogun Method while participating in underground Internet discussion groups. He discovered that conventional dating advice was ineffective and even harmful for men who wanted to attract and keep high-quality women. He decided to develop his own system based on proven psychological principles and techniques that can influence and manipulate women’s emotions.

What is Shogun Method?

Shogun Method is a system of dating for men that uses Mind Control to help men get what they want in their love lives. Instead of using standard dating advice, it uses powerful psychological tactics to create attraction, rapport, emotional addiction and enslavement in women.

Shogun Method is based on scientifically proven female psychology fundamentals as well as decades-old hypnosis principles. It is 100% field-tested by more than 12,000 men around the world who have reported amazing results with women of their choice.

Shogun Method is not a collection of pickup tricks or cheesy lines. It is a comprehensive and systematic approach that covers every aspect of dating and relationships, from meeting women to keeping them loyal and devoted to you forever.

How does Shogun Method work?

Shogun Method works by mapping the natural evolution of a healthy relationship through four stages: Intrigue, Rapport, Attraction and Emotional Addiction. These are also known as the I.R.A.E Model.

In each stage, you will learn specific techniques and strategies that will help you achieve your desired outcome with the woman you want. Here is a brief summary of each stage:

  • Intrigue: This is where you capture your woman’s attention and make her curious about you using simple stories known as Intrigue Pings. You will also learn how to avoid common mistakes that most men make when approaching women.
  • Rapport: This is where you develop a deep emotional connection with your woman using the Rapport Development Model (RDM). You will also learn how to avoid Contextual Rapport, which leads to the friend zone, and how to increase her comfort levels with you.
  • Attraction: This is where you make your woman fall in love with you using the ENTICE/REPEL cycle technique. You will also learn how to avoid being needy or clingy, and how to create sexual tension and desire in her.
  • Emotional Addiction: This is where you make your woman stay in love with you forever by making her emotionally addicted to you. You will also learn how to use the legendary Black Rose Sequence on her, which is a powerful hypnotic technique that can make her yours for life.

What are the benefits of Shogun Method?

Shogun Method can help you achieve your dating and relationship goals, whether you want to find a girlfriend, get your ex back, date multiple women, or even get married. Here are some of the benefits of using Shogun Method:

  • You will have more confidence and charisma when interacting with women.
  • You will be able to create instant attraction and rapport with any woman you meet.
  • You will be able to make your woman fall in love with you and stay loyal to you.
  • You will be able to handle any challenges or conflicts that may arise in your relationship.
  • You will be able to enjoy a fulfilling and satisfying sex life with your woman.

What are the risks of Shogun Method?

Shogun Method is not for everyone. It is a powerful and effective system that can have a profound impact on women’s emotions and psychology. Therefore, it comes with some risks and responsibilities that you should be aware of before using it:

  • You should only use Shogun Method on women that you genuinely care about and want to have a long-term relationship with. Do not use it on women that you want to harm or exploit.
  • You should be prepared to deal with the consequences of using Mind Control on women. Some women may become obsessed or addicted to you, and may react negatively if you try to end the relationship.
  • You should respect the privacy and confidentiality of Shogun Method. Do not share or reveal the techniques or strategies to anyone who is not a member of the Shogun Method community.

How can you learn Shogun Method?

If you are interested in learning Shogun Method, you have several options to choose from. You can access the official website of Derek Rake and sign up for his online courses, such as Shogun Method, Shogun Method X, and Shogun Sequences Handbook. You can also join his exclusive membership program, the Derek Rake Insider Lab, where you can get access to his latest updates, tips, and techniques.

Alternatively, you can download some of his free resources, such as the Fractionation Action Checklist, the Boyfriend Destroyer Pattern, and the How to Make a Woman Psychologically Addicted to You guide. These resources will give you a taste of what Shogun Method is all about and how it can transform your dating and relationship life.

However, you should be careful when downloading or sharing any of Derek Rake’s materials. Shogun Method is a highly confidential and proprietary system that is protected by intellectual property laws. You should not share or reveal the techniques or strategies to anyone who is not a member of the Shogun Method community. Doing so may result in legal action or other consequences.

What are some testimonials from Shogun Method users?

Shogun Method has helped thousands of men around the world achieve their dating and relationship goals. Here are some testimonials from real users who have used Shogun Method and experienced its benefits:

“Shogun Method changed my life. I was a shy and insecure guy who had no luck with women. I tried everything from pickup lines to dating apps, but nothing worked. Then I stumbled upon Shogun Method and decided to give it a try. I was amazed by how quickly it worked. I learned how to intrigue women with stories, how to build rapport with them, how to make them fall in love with me, and how to make them addicted to me. Now I have a beautiful girlfriend who adores me and does anything I want. Thank you Derek Rake for creating this amazing system.” – John, 32

“Shogun Method saved my marriage. I was married for 10 years, but my wife was unhappy and distant. She was always nagging and complaining, and we barely had any intimacy. I thought she was cheating on me or planning to divorce me. I was desperate and hopeless. Then I found out about Shogun Method and decided to apply it on my wife. I learned how to rekindle the attraction and passion in our relationship, how to handle her emotions and moods, how to use the Black Rose Sequence on her, and how to make her loyal and devoted to me. Now our marriage is stronger than ever, and we are happier than ever. Thank you Derek Rake for saving my marriage.” – Mark, 45

What is the rar file of Shogun Method?

Some people may be wondering what is the rar file of Shogun Method and where to find it. A rar file is a compressed file format that can contain multiple files and folders. It is often used to reduce the size of large files and make them easier to download and share.

The rar file of Shogun Method is a collection of Derek Rake’s materials that are available for download on some websites and forums. It may include his e-books, manuals, reports, audio files, and videos. However, these files are not authorized or endorsed by Derek Rake or his team. They may be incomplete, outdated, corrupted, or infected with viruses or malware.

Downloading or sharing the rar file of Shogun Method is illegal and unethical. It violates Derek Rake’s intellectual property rights and may harm your computer or device. It may also expose you to legal action or other consequences from Derek Rake or his team.

If you want to learn Shogun Method, you should only access it from the official website of Derek Rake or his authorized partners. You should also respect the privacy and confidentiality of Shogun Method and not share or reveal the techniques or strategies to anyone who is not a member of the Shogun Method community.

What are some alternatives to Shogun Method?

Shogun Method is not the only dating system that exists in the market. There are many other dating systems that claim to help men attract and seduce women. However, not all of them are effective, ethical, or safe. Some of them may be based on outdated, inaccurate, or harmful information. Some of them may be scams, rip-offs, or frauds.

Some of the alternatives to Shogun Method are:

  • The Tao of Badass by Joshua Pellicer: This is a dating system that teaches men how to be confident, charismatic, and attractive to women. It focuses on body language, conversation skills, and social dynamics.
  • The Mystery Method by Erik von Markovik: This is a dating system that teaches men how to approach, attract, and seduce women using a three-step model: attraction, comfort, and seduction. It focuses on routines, stories, and techniques.
  • The Game by Neil Strauss: This is a book that chronicles the author’s journey into the world of pickup artists and reveals their secrets and strategies. It focuses on storytelling, humor, and psychology.

However, none of these alternatives can match the power and effectiveness of Shogun Method. Shogun Method is the only dating system that uses Mind Control to help men get what they want in their love lives. It is based on scientifically proven female psychology fundamentals as well as decades-old hypnosis principles. It is 100% field-tested by more than 12,000 men around the world who have reported amazing results with women of their choice.


Shogun Method by Derek Rake is a powerful and controversial system of dating for men that uses Mind Control to help men get what they want in their love lives. It is based on scientifically proven female psychology fundamentals as well as decades-old hypnosis principles. It is 100% field-tested by more than 12,000 men around the world who have reported amazing results with women of their choice.

Shogun Method covers every aspect of dating and relationships, from meeting women to keeping them loyal and devoted to you forever. It teaches you specific techniques and strategies that will help you achieve your desired outcome with the woman you want. It also comes with some risks and responsibilities that you should be aware of before using it.

If you are interested in learning Shogun Method, you should only access it from the official website of Derek Rake or his authorized partners. You should also respect the privacy and confidentiality of Shogun Method and not share or reveal the techniques or strategies to anyone who is not a member of the Shogun Method community.

Shogun Method is not for everyone. It is only for men who are serious about improving their dating and relationship skills and who are willing to use Mind Control to achieve their goals. If you are one of those men, then Shogun Method may be the best thing that ever happened to you.[
