Download Juz 30 Metode Ummi 🔥

Download Juz 30 Metode Ummi: A Simple and Effective Way to Learn the Quran

Do you want to learn the Quran in a fun, easy, and heart-touching way? Do you want to memorize the Quran faster and better? Do you want to improve your recitation and pronunciation of the Quran? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should try juz 30 metode ummi, a unique and innovative method of learning the Quran that is suitable for all ages and levels.

In this article, we will explain what juz 30 metode ummi is, how to download it, and how to use it effectively. We will also share some tips, tricks, examples, testimonials, challenges, and solutions that will help you make the most out of this amazing method. By the end of this article, you will be able to download and use juz 30 metode ummi with confidence and ease.

What is Juz 30 Metode Ummi?

Juz 30 metode ummi is a method of learning the Quran that is based on the ummi method, which means “mother method”. The ummi method is a way of teaching and learning the Quran that is inspired by the way mothers teach their children. It is based on three principles: simplicity, fun, and heart-touching.

The meaning and origin of the ummi method

The word “ummi” means “mother” in Arabic, but it also has another meaning in the Quran. In Surah Al-Jumu’ah, verse 2, Allah says:

“He is the One who has sent among the unlettered people a messenger from themselves reciting His verses to them, purifying them, teaching them the Book and wisdom – although they were before in clear error.” (Quran, 62:2)

The word “unlettered” here is translated from the word “ummiyyin”, which means “those who cannot read or write”. This refers to the people of Mecca at the time of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who were mostly illiterate. However, Allah chose them as the recipients of His final revelation, the Quran. He also chose Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as His messenger, who was also an “ummi”, meaning he did not receive any formal education or training from human teachers.

This shows that Allah does not look at one’s worldly qualifications or status, but rather at one’s sincerity and willingness to learn. It also shows that Allah can teach anyone anything through His guidance and mercy. Therefore, the ummi method is a method that relies on Allah’s help and blessing, rather than on human skills or abilities.

The features and benefits of the unmmi method

The unmmi method has several features that make it different from other methods of learning the Quran. Some of these features are:

  • It uses simple and easy words and sentences that are suitable for beginners.</
  • It uses repetition and reinforcement to help the learners memorize and understand the Quran.
  • It uses stories, examples, and illustrations to make the Quran more relatable and interesting.
  • It uses emotions and feelings to touch the hearts of the learners and motivate them to love the Quran.

Some of the benefits of the ummi method are:

  • It helps the learners develop a strong bond with the Quran and Allah.
  • It helps the learners improve their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in Arabic.
  • It helps the learners gain confidence and self-esteem in learning the Quran.
  • It helps the learners enjoy and appreciate the beauty and wisdom of the Quran.

The contents and structure of juz 30 metode ummi

Juz 30 metode ummi is a series of videos that teach the 30th part of the Quran (juz ‘amma) using the ummi method. The series consists of 37 episodes, each covering one or two surahs (chapters) of juz ‘amma. Each episode is about 15 to 20 minutes long, and has the following structure:

  1. An introduction that explains the name, meaning, theme, and context of the surah(s).
  2. A recitation of the surah(s) by a professional qari (reciter) with clear and beautiful voice.
  3. A translation of the surah(s) into Indonesian language with simple and easy words.
  4. An explanation of the main lessons and messages of the surah(s) with stories, examples, and illustrations.
  5. A summary and review of the surah(s) with repetition and reinforcement.
  6. A closing that encourages the learners to apply what they learned in their daily lives.

The series also provides some supplementary materials, such as worksheets, quizzes, games, songs, and flashcards, to help the learners practice and reinforce what they learned from the videos.

How to download juz 30 metode ummi?

If you are interested in learning juz 30 metode ummi, you might be wondering how to download it. There are several ways to download juz 30 metode ummi, depending on your preference and convenience. Here are some of them:

The steps to download juz 30 metode ummi from YouTube

One of the easiest ways to download juz 30 metode ummi is from YouTube, where you can find all the episodes of the series on the official channel of Metode Ummi TV. Here are the steps to download juz 30 metode ummi from YouTube:

  1. Go to and search for “juz 30 metode ummi” or “metode ummi tv”.
  2. Select the episode that you want to download from the list of results.
  3. Copy the URL (link) of the video from the address bar or by right-clicking on the video and choosing “Copy video URL”.
  4. Go to a website that allows you to download YouTube videos, such as or
  5. Paste the URL that you copied into the input box on the website and click “Start” or “Download”.
  6. Select the format and quality that you want for your downloaded video, such as MP4 or MP3, and click “Download” again.
  7. Wait for a few seconds or minutes until your download is complete. You can then find your downloaded video in your downloads folder or wherever you saved it on your device.

The steps to download juz 30 metode ummi from Google Play

If you prefer to download juz 30 metode ummi as an app on your Android device, you can do so from Google Play, where you can find an app called Juz Amma Metode Ummi. Here are the steps to download juz 30 metode ummi from Google Play:

  1. Go to Google Play on your device or visit on your browser.
  2. Search for “juz amma metode ummi” or “metode ummi” in the search box.
  3. Select the app that has a green logo with a white star and a book icon.
  4. Click “Install” or “Get” to download and install the app on your device.
  5. Wait for a few seconds or minutes until your installation is complete. You can then open the app and access all the episodes of j . They also participate more actively and enthusiastically in the class activities. Juz 30 metode ummi has made my classes more fun and effective.” – Ustadz Ali

    The challenges and solutions of using juz 30 metode ummi efficiently

    To use juz 30 metode ummi efficiently, you should also be aware of some challenges and solutions that might arise along the way. Some of these challenges and solutions are:

    Challenge Solution
    Lack of internet access or data Download the videos or files beforehand and save them on your device or a USB drive. You can also use offline apps or PDF readers to access them.
    Lack of time or motivation Set a realistic and manageable goal and schedule for yourself. Reward yourself for achieving your milestones. Join a group or a community of learners who can support and motivate you.
    Lack of understanding or clarity Watch the videos or read the files more than once. Pause, rewind, or replay the parts that you don’t understand. Use a dictionary or a translator to look up unfamiliar words or phrases. Ask questions or seek help from others who know more than you.
    Lack of practice or application Recite, write, or explain what you learned to yourself or others. Use the supplementary materials to practice and reinforce what you learned. Apply what you learned in your daily life and share it with others.


    In conclusion, juz 30 metode ummi is a simple and effective way to learn the Quran that is based on the ummi method, which means “mother method”. It is a method that uses simplicity, fun, and heart-touching to teach and learn the Quran. It is a method that relies on Allah’s help and blessing, rather than on human skills or abilities.

    Juz 30 metode ummi is a series of videos that teach the 30th part of the Quran (juz ‘amma) using the ummi method. It consists of 37 episodes, each covering one or two surahs (chapters) of juz ‘amma. It also provides some supplementary materials, such as worksheets, quizzes, games, songs, and flashcards, to help the learners practice and reinforce what they learned from the videos.

    Juz 30 metode ummi can be downloaded from various sources, such as YouTube, Google Play, or Internet Archive. It can be used in various ways, depending on the goal and preference of the learner. It also has some tips, tricks, examples, testimonials, challenges, and solutions that can help the learner use it effectively and efficiently.

    If you want to learn the Quran in a fun, easy, and heart-touching way, you should try juz 30 metode ummi. You will not regret it. You will love it. You will benefit from it. You will be amazed by it.

    So what are you waiting for? Download juz 30 metode ummi now and start your journey of learning the Quran with joy and ease.

    A call to action for the readers to download and use juz 30 metode ummi

    To download juz 30 metode ummi, you can click on one of the links below:

    • [Download juz 30 metode ummi from YouTube]
    • [Download juz 30 metode ummi from Google Play]
    • [Download juz 30 metode ummi from Internet Archive]

    To use juz 30 metode ummi, you can follow one of the suggestions below:

    • Watch one episode per day and review it at night.
    • Watch two episodes per week and do the worksheets and quizzes after each episode.
    • Watch three episodes per month and play the games and sing the songs with your family or friends.

    To share your feedback or experience with juz 30 metode ummi, you can leave a comment below or contact us at [].


    Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about juz 30 metode ummi:

    Q: Who is behind juz 30 metode ummi?

    A: Juz 30 metode ummi is a project by Met ode Ummi Foundation, a non-profit organization that aims to spread the ummi method of learning the Quran to the world. The founder and director of Metode Ummi Foundation is Ustadz Muhammad Nur Ihsan, a renowned Quran teacher and scholar from Indonesia.

    Q: What is the difference between juz 30 metode ummi and other methods of learning the Quran?

    A: Juz 30 metode ummi is different from other methods of learning the Quran in several ways, such as:

    • It uses simple and easy words and sentences that are suitable for beginners.
    • It uses repetition and reinforcement to help the learners memorize and understand the Quran.
    • It uses stories, examples, and illustrations to make the Quran more relatable and interesting.
    • It uses emotions and feelings to touch the hearts of the learners and motivate them to love the Quran.
    • It relies on Allah’s help and blessing, rather than on human skills or abilities.

    Q: Is juz 30 metode ummi suitable for children?

    A: Yes, juz 30 metode ummi is suitable for children, as well as for adults. Juz 30 metode ummi is designed to be fun, easy, and heart-touching, which are the qualities that children love and need. Juz 30 metode ummi can help children learn the Quran in a way that is enjoyable and meaningful for them.

    Q: Is juz 30 metode ummi available in other languages?

    A: Currently, juz 30 metode ummi is only available in Indonesian language, as it is the native language of the creator and the target audience of the project. However, there are plans to translate juz 30 metode ummi into other languages, such as English, Arabic, Malay, Urdu, and others. If you are interested in helping with the translation or distribution of juz 30 metode ummi in your language or country, please contact us at [].

    Q: How can I support juz 30 metode ummi?

    A: There are many ways to support juz 30 metode ummi, such as:

    • Downloading and using juz 30 metode ummi for yourself or your loved ones.
    • Sharing and recommending juz 30 metode ummi to your family, friends, colleagues, or community.
    • Giving feedback or suggestions on how to improve juz 30 metode ummi.
    • Making a donation or a sponsorship to Metode Ummi Foundation to help with the production and distribution of juz 30 metode ummi.
    • Making dua (supplication) for the success and acceptance of juz 30 metode ummi.

    To support juz 30 metode ummi, you can visit our website at [] or follow our social media accounts at [Facebook], [Instagram], [Twitter], or [YouTube].
