Liên Quân Garena Apk [TOP]

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What is liên quân garena apk?

Liên quân garena apk is a free MOBA game for Android devices that offers exciting and action-packed gameplay with other people. You can join your alliance in the brand new 5v5 arena or choose from other customizable maps such as 3v3, 1v1, and auto chess. You can also pick a hero from the plethora of choices the game offers, each with their own unique skills and abilities. Whether you want to be a warrior, a mage, an assassin, or something else, you can find your perfect match in liên quân garena apk.

The game is developed by Garena Mobile Private and has over 50 million downloads on Google Play. It is one of the most popular MOBA games in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. It is also known as Garena Liên Quân Mobile or Garena Arena of Valor in other regions. The game features high-quality graphics and sound effects that will immerse you in the epic battles. It also has a simple and intuitive control system that only requires two fingers to master.

If you are looking for a fun and challenging MOBA game that you can play anytime, anywhere, and completely free, then liên quân garena apk is the game for you. You can assert yourself, team up with your friends, and challenge millions of other players through countless great 5v5 battles on Garena Lien Mobile’s legendary MOBA Esports 5v5 arena. You can also join the clan alliances in the game to fight together and become a legend in the world-famous MOBA Esports PC game. All you need is skill, teamwork, and strategy to win or lose in liên quân garena apk.

How to download and install liên quân garena apk?

Downloading and installing liên quân garena apk is very easy and fast. You can follow these simple steps to get the game on your Android device:

  1. Go to Google Play Store and search for “liên quân garena apk” or click on this link: Garena Liên Quân Mobile.
  2. Tap on “Install” and wait for the download to finish.
  3. Once the download is complete, tap on “Open” to launch the game.
  4. Follow the instructions on the screen to create an account or log in with your existing account.
  5. Enjoy playing liên quân garena apk!

How to play liên quân garena apk?

Choose your game mode

Liên quân garena apk offers diverse game modes that you can choose from depending on your preference and mood. Here are some of the game modes you can try out:

  • 5v5: This is the classic and most popular game mode in liên quân garena apk. You can join a team of five players and fight against another team of five players in a map with three lanes, a jungle, and a river. The objective is to destroy the enemy’s base while protecting your own. You can choose from over 100 heroes with different roles and abilities to suit your playstyle and strategy.
  • 3v3: This is a faster and more dynamic game mode that only has one lane and two towers. You can join a team of three players and fight against another team of three players in a shorter and more intense match. You can choose from over 60 heroes with different roles and abilities to suit your playstyle and strategy.
  • 1v1: This is a game mode that tests your individual skills and abilities. You can challenge another player in a one-on-one duel in a small map with no towers or minions. The objective is to kill the enemy hero or make them surrender. You can choose from over 40 heroes with different roles and abilities to suit your playstyle and strategy.
  • Auto chess: This is a game mode that combines strategy and luck. You can join a match with seven other players and compete for the top spot. You can buy, sell, and upgrade heroes from different races and classes to form your own army. The objective is to survive the rounds of battles against other players’ armies and be the last one standing.

Choose your hero

Liên quân garena apk has a rich and diverse collection of heroes that you can choose from. Each hero has their own unique skills, attributes, and backstory that make them stand out from the rest. You can find heroes from different categories, such as:

  • Warriors: These are heroes that excel in close-range combat and have high durability and damage output. They can initiate fights, tank damage, and protect their allies. Some examples of warriors are Arthur, Maloch, Lu Bu, etc.
  • Mages: These are heroes that excel in long-range magic attacks and have high burst damage and crowd control abilities. They can deal massive damage, disable enemies, and support their allies. Some examples of mages are Krixi, Natalya, Raz, etc.
  • Assassins: These are heroes that excel in mobility and stealth and have high single-target damage output. They can sneak up on enemies, assassinate key targets, and escape quickly. Some examples of assassins are Butterfly, Zill, Quillen, etc.
  • Marksmen: These are heroes that excel in ranged physical attacks and have high sustained damage output. They can deal consistent damage, kite enemies, and destroy objectives. Some examples of marksmen are Violet, Yorn, Tel’Annas, etc.
  • Tanks: These are heroes that excel in defense and utility and have high health and resistance. They can absorb damage, disrupt enemies, and create space for their allies. Some examples of tanks are Thane, Toro, Arum, etc.
  • Supports: These are heroes that excel in healing and buffing and have high utility and survivability. They can heal allies, enhance allies’ abilities, and provide vision for their team. Some examples of supports are Alice, Peura, Annette, etc.

Join a match and fight

Once you have chosen your game mode and hero, you can join a match and fight against other players in liên quân garena apk. The game has a simple and intuitive control system that only requires two fingers to master. You can move your hero with the virtual joystick on the left side of the screen, and use your skills with the buttons on the right side of the screen. You can also tap on the map, the items, and the chat icons to access more features and information.

The game has different objectives and strategies depending on the game mode and the map. In general, you want to kill enemy heroes, minions, and monsters to gain gold and experience, which you can use to buy items and level up your skills. You also want to destroy enemy towers, which are structures that defend each lane and deal damage to enemies. Destroying towers will give you more map control and access to the enemy’s base. The ultimate goal is to destroy the enemy’s core, which is the main structure in their base that ends the game.

The game requires skill, teamwork, and strategy to win or lose in liên quân garena apk. You need to know your hero’s strengths and weaknesses, and how to use them effectively in different situations. You also need to communicate and cooperate with your teammates, and plan your moves together. You also need to adapt to the changing circumstances of the game, and react accordingly.

How to communicate and cooperate with your teammates?

Communication and cooperation are essential for winning in liên quân garena apk. You can communicate with your teammates in various ways, such as:

  • Voice chat: You can use the voice chat feature to talk to your teammates in real time. You can enable or disable the voice chat in the settings menu. You can also mute or unmute specific players if you want. Voice chat is a great way to coordinate your actions, share information, and have fun with your friends.
  • Quick chat: You can use the quick chat feature to send predefined messages to your teammates. You can access the quick chat by tapping on the chat icon on the top right corner of the screen. You can choose from different categories of messages, such as greetings, commands, compliments, etc. Quick chat is a convenient way to express your emotions, give instructions, or praise your teammates.

Cooperation is also important for winning in liên quân garena apk. You can cooperate with your teammates in various ways, such as:

  • Lane assignment: You can assign yourself and your teammates to different lanes according to your hero’s role and preference. For example, you can have a tank or a warrior in the top lane, a mage or an assassin in the mid lane, and a marksman or a support in the bot lane. Lane assignment is important for creating a balanced team composition and maximizing your hero’s potential.
  • Jungle rotation: You can rotate between lanes and jungle areas to kill monsters and gain extra gold and experience. You can also help your teammates by ganking their lanes or securing objectives such as dragons or dark slayers. Jungle rotation is important for creating pressure on the map and gaining an advantage over your enemies.
  • Team fight: You can join your teammates in team fights when they occur. You can also initiate team fights when you see an opportunity or avoid them when you are at a disadvantage. Team fights are important for deciding the outcome of the game and achieving objectives.

How to compete for the rank and challenge the top players?

Liên quân garena apk has a ranking system that allows you to compete with other players of similar skill level and climb up the ladder. You can access the ranking mode by tapping on the rank icon on the main menu. You can choose from different tiers of rank, such as bronze, silver, gold, platinum, diamond, master, challenger, etc. Each tier has different sub-tiers that indicate your progress within that tier.

The ranking mode follows the same rules as the 5v5 mode, but with some differences. For example, you can only play with solo or duo players in ranking mode, not with full teams. You also have a limited number of heroes that you can use in ranking mode, depending on your rank tier. You also have a ban/pick phase before each match where you can ban certain heroes from being used by either team.

The ranking mode rewards you with points for winning matches and deducts points for losing matches. The amount of points you gain or lose depends on various factors such as your rank tier, your performance, your team’s performance, etc. The higher your rank tier, the more points you need to advance to the next sub-tier or tier.

The ranking mode also rewards you with various prizes for achieving higher ranks. For example, you can get gold coins, gems, skins, heroes, and other items for reaching certain rank tiers. You can also get exclusive rewards for reaching the top ranks, such as master, challenger, or legend. These rewards include special frames, titles, badges, and glory that show your achievements to other players.

The ranking mode also allows you to challenge the top players in the game and see how you compare to them. You can access the leaderboard by tapping on the rank icon on the main menu and then tapping on the leaderboard tab. You can see the list of the top 100 players in each region and each rank tier. You can also see their profiles, stats, heroes, and matches. You can also challenge them to a match if you want to test your skills against them.

The ranking mode is a great way to improve your skills, challenge yourself, and have fun in liên quân garena apk. You can compete for the rank and challenge the top players in the game and show your prowess in the MOBA Esports arena.

How to customize your heroes and skins?

Liên quân garena apk has a customization system that allows you to change the appearance and style of your heroes and skins. You can access the customization menu by tapping on the hero icon on the main menu and then tapping on the customize tab. You can see the list of all the heroes and skins that you own or can buy in the game.

The game has a variety of heroes and skins that you can choose from. Some of them are original creations of Garena Mobile Private, while others are co-branded champions and skins from famous partners, such as DC Comic, Sword Art Online, Ultraman, etc. You can find heroes and skins from different themes, such as fantasy, sci-fi, anime, comics, etc.

The game also has a system that allows you to upgrade your heroes and skins with different effects and features. You can upgrade your heroes and skins by using gold coins or gems that you earn or buy in the game. You can also use special items such as evolution stones or starlight stones that you get from events or rewards. Upgrading your heroes and skins will enhance their appearance, sound effects, animations, etc.

The customization system is a fun way to express your personality and style in liên quân garena apk. You can customize your heroes and skins to suit your preferences and make them stand out from the crowd.


Liên quân garena apk is a free MOBA game for Android devices that offers exciting and action-packed gameplay with other people. You can join your alliance in the brand new 5v5 arena or choose from other customizable maps such as 3v3, 1v1, and auto chess. You can also pick a hero from the plethora of choices the game offers, each with their own unique skills and abilities. Whether you want to be a warrior, a mage, an assassin, or something else, you can find your perfect match in liên quân garena apk.

The game is developed by Garena Mobile Private and has over 50 million downloads on Google Play. It is one of the most popular MOBA games in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. It is also known as Garena Liên Quân Mobile or Garena Arena of Valor in other regions. The game features high-quality graphics and sound effects that will immerse you in the epic battles. It also has a simple and intuitive control system that only requires two fingers to master.

If you are looking for a fun and challenging MOBA game that you can play anytime, anywhere, and completely free, then liên quân garena apk is the game for you. You can assert yourself, team up with your friends, and challenge millions of other players through countless great 5v5 battles on Garena Lien Mobile’s legendary MOBA Esports 5v5 arena. You can also join the clan alliances in the game to fight together and become a legend in the world-famous MOBA Esports PC game. All you need is skill, teamwork, and strategy to win or lose in liên quân garena apk.


Here are some of the frequently asked questions about liên quân garena apk:

  • Q: What are the system requirements for liên quân garena apk?
  • A: The game requires Android 4.0.3 or higher and at least 1 GB of RAM to run smoothly. The game also requires a stable internet connection and about 1.5 GB of storage space.
  • Q: How often does the game update?
  • A: The game updates regularly to add new features, heroes, skins, events, and bug fixes. You can check the official website or the Facebook page of the game for the latest news and updates.
  • Q: How can I contact the support team of the game?
  • A: You can contact the support team of the game by tapping on the settings icon on the main menu and then tapping on the customer service icon. You can also email them at or call them at 1900 561 558.
  • Q: How can I get more gold coins and gems in the game?
  • A: You can get more gold coins and gems in the game by playing matches, completing quests, participating in events, watching ads, or buying them with real money.
  • Q: How can I join a clan or create my own clan in the game?</li
  • A: You can join a clan or create your own clan in the game by tapping on the clan icon on the main menu. You can search for existing clans or create your own clan with a name, a logo, and a description. You can also invite your friends or other players to join your clan. Clans can help you earn more rewards, chat with other members, and compete with other clans.
