Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim Pdf 719

Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim PDF 719: A Comprehensive Guide to Islamic Law and Ethics

If you are looking for a book that covers various aspects of a Muslim’s life, from creed, worship, morals, manners, to transactions, you might want to check out Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim PDF 719. This book is a translation of Minhajul Muslim, a famous work by Sheikh Abu Bakr Jabir Al-Jazairi, who was the Imam of Masjid Nabawi in Madinah.

Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim PDF 719 is a book that aims to provide a daily guide for Muslims who want to follow the Quran and Sunnah in every situation. The book is written in a systematic and easy-to-understand language, with references to the verses and hadiths that support each point. The book also contains practical examples and tips on how to apply the Islamic teachings in real life.

What are the contents of Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim PDF 719?

Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim PDF 719 consists of eight chapters, each covering a different topic related to Islam. The chapters are as follows:

  • Chapter One: The Creed of Islam. This chapter discusses the fundamentals of Islamic faith, such as the belief in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, the Day of Judgment, and the divine decree.
  • Chapter Two: The Worship of Islam. This chapter explains the pillars of Islam, such as the testimony of faith, the prayer, the zakat, the fasting, and the pilgrimage. It also covers other acts of worship, such as supplication, remembrance, repentance, and gratitude.
  • Chapter Three: The Morals of Islam. This chapter describes the virtues and vices that a Muslim should adopt or avoid, such as honesty, patience, humility, generosity, justice, mercy, envy, anger, pride, greed, and so on.
  • Chapter Four: The Manners of Islam. This chapter outlines the etiquette and behavior that a Muslim should observe in different situations, such as greeting others, visiting relatives and friends, eating and drinking, dressing and adorning oneself, sleeping and waking up, traveling and returning home, and so on.
  • Chapter Five: The Transactions of Islam. This chapter deals with the rules and regulations that govern the economic and social interactions among Muslims, such as buying and selling, renting and leasing, lending and borrowing, partnership and cooperation, inheritance and bequest, marriage and divorce, custody and guardianship, and so on.
  • Chapter Six: The Jihad of Islam. This chapter clarifies the concept and conditions of jihad in Islam, which means striving in the way of Allah with one’s wealth and life. It also discusses the types and levels of jihad, such as jihad against oneself (nafs), jihad against Satan (shaytan), jihad against disbelief (kufr), jihad against oppression (zulm), jihad against enemies (harb), and jihad against innovation (bid’ah).
  • Chapter Seven: The Knowledge of Islam. This chapter emphasizes the importance and obligation of seeking knowledge in Islam. It also explains the sources and branches of knowledge in Islam,
  • such as the Quran,
    the Sunnah,
    the consensus (ijma’),
    the analogy (qiyas),
    the jurisprudence (fiqh),
    the principles (usul),
    the exegesis (tafsir),
    the hadith,
    the biography (sirah),
    the history (tarikh),
    and so on.

  • Chapter Eight: The Da’wah of Islam. This chapter highlights the duty and method of inviting others to Islam. It also provides some guidelines and tips on how to convey the message of Islam effectively and wisely.

Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim PDF 719 is a book that can benefit every Muslim who wants to learn more about their religion and practice it correctly. It is also a book that can help non-Muslims who are interested in knowing what Islam is all about.

How to get Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim PDF 719?

If you are interested in reading Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim PDF 719, you might be wondering how to get a copy of it. There are several ways to obtain this book, depending on your preference and convenience.

One way is to download the PDF version of the book from the internet. There are many websites that offer free downloads of Islamic books, including Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim PDF 719. However, you should be careful and check the authenticity and quality of the PDF file before downloading it. Some websites might have corrupted or incomplete files, or even viruses and malware that can harm your device.

Another way is to use an application that contains the book. There are some apps that provide access to various Islamic books, including Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim PDF 719. You can install these apps on your smartphone or tablet and read the book anytime and anywhere. However, you should also be careful and check the reliability and security of the app before installing it. Some apps might have bugs or glitches, or even spyware and adware that can compromise your privacy and data.

A third way is to buy a printed copy of the book from a bookstore or an online store. There are many bookstores and online stores that sell Islamic books, including Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim PDF 719. You can browse through their catalogs and choose the book that you want. However, you should also be careful and check the price and quality of the book before buying it. Some bookstores and online stores might have overpriced or low-quality books, or even fake or pirated copies that can violate the rights of the author and publisher.

Whichever way you choose to get Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim PDF 719, you should always respect the intellectual property and copyright of the author and publisher. You should not distribute or share the book without their permission, or use it for commercial purposes without their consent. You should also not alter or modify the book without their approval, or plagiarize or copy its contents without giving proper credit.

Why should you read Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim PDF 719?

Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim PDF 719 is a book that has many benefits for Muslims who want to improve their knowledge and practice of Islam. Here are some reasons why you should read this book:

  • It is a comprehensive and reliable source of Islamic teachings. The book covers all the essential topics that a Muslim needs to know and follow, such as the creed, the worship, the morals, the manners, the transactions, the jihad, the knowledge, and the da’wah. The book also provides evidences and references from the Quran and Sunnah for each point, as well as practical examples and tips on how to apply them in real life.
  • It is a simple and easy-to-understand book. The book is written in a clear and concise language, with simple words and sentences. The book also uses headings, subheadings, bullet points, tables, and diagrams to organize and present the information in a structured and logical way. The book also has a glossary of terms and an index of topics to help the reader find what they are looking for.
  • It is a useful and relevant book. The book addresses the issues and challenges that Muslims face in their daily lives, such as how to deal with family and friends, how to manage their finances and business, how to cope with stress and difficulties, how to protect themselves from evil and temptation, how to contribute to society and humanity, and so on. The book also offers guidance and advice on how to overcome these issues and challenges according to Islam.

Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim PDF 719 is a book that can enrich your mind and soul with Islamic wisdom and values. It is a book that can help you become a better Muslim who follows the Quran and Sunnah in every aspect of your life.

How to read Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim PDF 719?

Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim PDF 719 is a book that requires careful and attentive reading. It is not a book that you can skim through or read casually. It is a book that demands your full concentration and reflection. Here are some tips on how to read this book:

  • Read the book with an open mind and heart. Do not approach the book with prejudice or bias. Do not judge the book by its cover or title. Do not compare the book with other books or sources. Read the book with the intention of learning and benefiting from it.
  • Read the book with respect and reverence. Do not treat the book as a mere object or commodity. Do not mishandle or abuse the book. Do not write or draw on the book. Do not tear or fold the pages of the book. Do not place the book on the floor or in an unclean place. Treat the book as a sacred and valuable gift.
  • Read the book with understanding and comprehension. Do not read the book hastily or superficially. Do not skip or ignore any part of the book. Do not rely on your own interpretation or opinion of the book. Read the book carefully and thoroughly, paying attention to every word and sentence. Read the book with a dictionary or a translator if needed. Read the book with a notebook or a highlighter to take notes or mark important points.
  • Read the book with application and action. Do not read the book passively or mechanically. Do not read the book for entertainment or curiosity. Do not read the book for information or knowledge only. Read the book actively and dynamically, thinking and feeling about what you read. Read the book with a purpose and a goal, asking yourself questions and seeking answers. Read the book with a commitment and a responsibility, implementing and practicing what you learn.

Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim PDF 719 is a book that can transform your life if you read it properly and sincerely. It is a book that can guide you to the straight path of Islam if you follow it faithfully and sincerely.

Where can you find more information about Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim PDF 719?

Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim PDF 719 is a book that can inspire you to learn more about Islam and its teachings. If you want to find more information about this book or its author, you can use some of the following sources:

  • The internet. You can use search engines like Bing or Google to find websites that offer reviews, summaries, or discussions about this book or its author. You can also use social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter to follow pages or accounts that share content related to this book or its author. You can also use online forums or groups like Quora or Reddit to ask questions or join conversations about this book or its author.
  • The library. You can visit your local library or a nearby Islamic center to find books or journals that contain information about this book or its author. You can also ask the librarians or the staff for recommendations or assistance in finding the resources that you need.
  • The bookstore. You can go to your favorite bookstore or an online store to find other books by the same author or similar books by other authors. You can also browse through the catalogs and categories to discover new books that might interest you.
  • The scholars. You can contact or consult with scholars or experts who have knowledge and experience in the field of Islamic studies. You can ask them for their opinions or insights about this book or its author. You can also attend their lectures, seminars, or workshops to learn more from them.

Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim PDF 719 is a book that can open your mind and heart to the beauty and wisdom of Islam. It is a book that can lead you to the source of guidance and happiness in this life and the next.


Terjemahan Kitab Minhajul Muslim PDF 719 is a book that every Muslim should read and benefit from. It is a book that covers all the aspects of a Muslim’s life, from the creed, the worship, the morals, the manners, the transactions, the jihad, the knowledge, and the da’wah. It is a book that provides evidences and references from the Quran and Sunnah for each point, as well as practical examples and tips on how to apply them in real life. It is a book that is written in a simple and easy-to-understand language, with a systematic and logical structure. It is a book that can be obtained in various ways, such as downloading the PDF version, using an app, or buying a printed copy. It is a book that requires careful and attentive reading, with an open mind and heart, with respect and reverence, with understanding and comprehension, and with application and action. It is a book that can inspire you to learn more about Islam and its teachings, by using sources like the internet, the library, the bookstore, or the scholars. It is a book that can transform your life and lead you to the straight path of Islam.



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