Zombi Kampung Pisang Full ((INSTALL)) Movie 405


Zombi Kampung Pisang: A Hilarious Horror Comedy from Malaysia

If you are looking for a fun and entertaining movie to watch with your friends or family, you might want to check out Zombi Kampung Pisang, a Malaysian horror comedy that was released in 2007. Zombi Kampung Pisang, which means Zombies from Banana Village in English, is a spoof of the zombie genre that mixes horror, comedy, and satire. It tells the story of how a peaceful village named Banana is turned into a zombie-infested nightmare one fateful night.

Zombi Kampung Pisang was directed by Mamat Khalid, a popular Malaysian filmmaker who is known for his comedy films. The movie features a cast of well-known Malaysian actors and comedians, such as Awie, AC Mizal, Que Haidar, Sofi Jikan, and many more. The movie was a box office hit in Malaysia, earning over $730,000 worldwide. It also received positive reviews from critics and audiences alike, who praised its humor, creativity, and social commentary.

What is Zombi Kampung Pisang About?

The movie begins with the sudden death of Pak Abu, an elderly villager who falls off his bike in front of three troublemakers who are playing their guitars on the roadside. The three lads, Husin, Atan, and Mat Karan, rush Pak Abu’s body back to his house and tell the village head, Pak Jabit. Pak Jabit goes to pay his respects to Pak Abu, but he also dies when he sees Pak Abu’s corpse.

Soon, the whole village is in panic as more people die mysteriously and turn into zombies. The zombies attack the living villagers and spread the infection. The villagers try to escape or fight back with whatever weapons they can find. However, they also have to deal with their own personal problems and conflicts, such as love triangles, family issues, religious differences, and political disputes.

The movie follows the hilarious and absurd adventures of the villagers as they try to survive the zombie apocalypse. Along the way, they encounter various characters and situations that parody popular horror movies and Malaysian culture. The movie also makes fun of various social issues and stereotypes in Malaysia, such as racism, corruption, superstition, and media censorship.

How to Watch Zombi Kampung Pisang Full Movie 405 Online for Free

If you are interested in watching Zombi Kampung Pisang full movie 405 online for free, you have several options. Here are some of them:

  • You can watch Zombi Kampung Pisang full movie 405 on YouTube. The movie has been uploaded by several users on YouTube with English subtitles. However, you may need to search for different keywords or titles to find the movie. Some of the titles you can try are Zombie Kampung Pisang Full Movie HD, Zombie Village Banana Full Movie, or Zombie Kampung Pisang Full Movie 405. You may also need to check the video quality and audio sync before watching.
  • You can watch Zombi Kampung Pisang full movie 405 on Bilibili. Bilibili is a Chinese video-sharing platform that hosts various content related to anime, comics, games, and movies. You can find Zombi Kampung Pisang full movie 405 on Bilibili with English subtitles. However, you may need to create an account and log in to watch the movie. You may also need to use a VPN or proxy service to access Bilibili if it is blocked in your country.
  • You can watch Zombi Kampung Pisang full movie 405 on Moviefone. Moviefone is a website that provides information and streaming links for movies and TV shows. You can find Zombi Kampung Pisang full movie 405 on Moviefone with English subtitles. However, you may need to pay a fee or sign up for a subscription to watch the movie on some of the streaming services that Moviefone links to.

Note: These options may not be legal or safe to use. You may face legal consequences or malware risks if you watch Zombi Kampung Pisang full movie 405 online for free from unauthorized sources. You may also encounter ads or pop-ups that may disrupt your viewing experience. Use these options at your own risk.

The Best Scenes and Quotes from Zombi Kampung Pisang

Zombi Kampung Pisang is full of memorable scenes and quotes that will make you laugh and scream at the same time. Here are some of the best ones:

  • The opening scene where Pak Abu falls off his bike and dies in front of Husin, Atan, and Mat Karan. The three lads are shocked and confused by what they see and try to figure out what to do. They decide to carry Pak Abu’s body back to his house and pretend that nothing happened.
  • The scene where Pak Jabit dies after seeing Pak Abu’s corpse. Pak Jabit’s wife, Mak Som, is devastated by her husband’s death and blames the three lads for bringing bad luck to the village. She also accuses them of being gay and having an affair with Pak Abu.
  • The scene where Husin tries to call the police for help but gets a wrong number. He ends up talking to a woman who thinks he is her lover and asks him to come over to her house. Husin is confused and annoyed by the woman’s advances and tries to explain his situation.
  • The scene where Deris, a handsome and popular singer, arrives at the village with his manager, Cikgu Munah. Deris is supposed to perform at a charity concert in the village, but he is not happy about it. He complains about the lack of facilities and fans in the village and acts like a spoiled brat.
  • The scene where Cikgu Munah reveals that she is actually a witch who has been using black magic to make Deris famous. She also reveals that she has a crush on Deris and wants to marry him. She tries to seduce Deris with her magic but fails miserably.
  • The scene where Maimon, a beautiful and innocent girl who works at a sundry shop, meets Deris and falls in love with him. She also meets Adam, a shy and nerdy boy who has a crush on her. Maimon is torn between Deris and Adam and does not know who to choose.
  • The scene where Pak Mail, a religious teacher who is obsessed with zombies, discovers that there are zombies in the village. He tries to warn the villagers but they do not believe him. He also tries to fight the zombies with his knowledge of Islam and zombie movies.
  • The scene where Sofi, a flamboyant and eccentric fashion designer who is visiting his aunt in the village, encounters the zombies. He mistakes them for his fans and tries to impress them with his style and charisma. He also tries to escape from them with his high heels and handbag.
  • The scene where Usop Wilcha, a famous comedian who is also visiting the village, joins forces with Sofi to survive the zombie attack. They use their humor and creativity to distract and defeat the zombies. They also make fun of each other’s appearance and personality.

How Zombi Kampung Pisang Inspired Other Malaysian Zombie Movies

Zombi Kampung Pisang was not only a successful movie in Malaysia, but also a influential one. It inspired other Malaysian filmmakers to make their own zombie movies with different themes and styles. Here are some of them:

  • Zombi Kilang Biskut (2014): A zombie movie that takes place in a biscuit factory. It follows the story of Hairi, a young man who works at the factory with his friends. One day, they discover that their boss has been experimenting with human flesh as an ingredient for biscuits. The experiment goes wrong and turns everyone in the factory into zombies.
  • Hantu Kak Limah (2018): A horror comedy movie that is a sequel to Zombi Kampung Pisang. It follows the story of Husin, who returns to Banana Village after spending 10 years in the city. He finds out that his old crush, Kak Limah, has died mysteriously and become a ghost that haunts the village.
  • Zombie Tidal Wave (2019): An action movie that features zombies emerging from the sea after an earthquake. It follows the story of Hunter Shaw, a former navy officer who leads a group of survivors to fight against the zombie horde.

How to Make Your Own Zombi Kampung Pisang Costume for Halloween

If you are a fan of Zombi Kampung Pisang and want to dress up as one of the characters or zombies for Halloween, you can easily make your own costume with some simple materials and steps. Here are some ideas and tips:

  • Pak Abu: To dress up as Pak Abu, the first zombie in the movie, you will need a white shirt, a black sarong, a black songkok, and a pair of sandals. You will also need some fake blood, green paint, and cotton balls. To make your zombie makeup, apply some green paint on your face and neck to create a pale and sickly look. Then, use some fake blood to create wounds and bite marks on your face and body. You can also use some cotton balls to create pus and maggots on your wounds. Finally, mess up your hair and beard and put on your clothes and accessories.
  • Pak Jabit: To dress up as Pak Jabit, the village head who dies after seeing Pak Abu’s corpse, you will need a white shirt, a brown sarong, a brown songkok, and a pair of sandals. You will also need some fake blood and a fake knife. To make your zombie makeup, apply some fake blood on your face and neck to create a bloody and shocked look. Then, use the fake knife to stab yourself in the chest and hold it there with some tape or glue. Finally, put on your clothes and accessories.
  • Deris: To dress up as Deris, the famous singer who becomes a zombie after being bitten by Pak Abu, you will need a black leather jacket, a black T-shirt, a pair of jeans, a pair of sunglasses, and a pair of boots. You will also need some fake blood, green paint, and gel. To make your zombie makeup, apply some green paint on your face and neck to create a pale and sickly look. Then, use some fake blood to create wounds and bite marks on your face and body. You can also use some gel to spike up your hair and create a cool hairstyle. Finally, put on your clothes and accessories.
  • Sofi: To dress up as Sofi, the fashion designer who survives the zombie attack with his style and charisma, you will need a colorful shirt, a pair of pants or shorts, a scarf or bandana, a pair of earrings, and a pair of shoes. You will also need some makeup, glitter, and accessories. To make your makeup, apply some foundation, blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, lipstick, and glitter on your face to create a glamorous and fabulous look. Then, use some accessories such as earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings, etc. to add some sparkle and flair to your outfit. Finally, put on your clothes and accessories.

Note: These are just some examples of how you can make your own Zombi Kampung Pisang costume for Halloween. You can also mix and match different elements from different characters or zombies to create your own unique look. Have fun and be creative!


Zombi Kampung Pisang is a Malaysian horror comedy movie that was released in 2007. It is a spoof of the zombie genre that mixes horror, comedy, and satire. It tells the story of how a peaceful village named Banana is turned into a zombie-infested nightmare one fateful night. The movie features a cast of well-known Malaysian actors and comedians, such as Awie, AC Mizal, Que Haidar, Sofi Jikan, and many more. The movie was a box office hit and a cult classic in Malaysia. It also received positive reviews from critics and audiences alike, who praised its humor, creativity, and social commentary.

In this article, we have discussed what Zombi Kampung Pisang is about, how to watch it online for free, the making of the movie, the best scenes and quotes from the movie, and how to make your own Zombi Kampung Pisang costume for Halloween. We hope that you have enjoyed reading this article and learned more about this amazing movie. If you have not watched Zombi Kampung Pisang yet, we highly recommend that you do so as soon as possible. You will not regret it.



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