Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho Hindi Movie 720p

Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho Hindi Movie 720p: A Hilarious Satire on Indian Society and Politics

If you are looking for a comedy movie that will make you laugh and think at the same time, you should watch Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho. This movie is a satire on the absurdities and injustices of the Indian rural system, where a young man is falsely accused of raping a buffalo!

What is the plot of Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho?

The movie revolves around Arjun (Rahul Bagga), a young and educated man who works as a school teacher in a village. He falls in love with Maya (Hrishitaa Bhatt), the beautiful wife of Sualaal (Annu Kapoor), the elderly and corrupt village head. Sualaal suspects their affair and decides to take revenge on Arjun. He frames him for the rape of Miss Tanakpur, his prized buffalo who has won many beauty contests. He also bribes the police and the court to ensure that Arjun is convicted and punished.

How does Arjun deal with this bizarre situation?

Arjun is shocked and helpless as he faces the wrath of Sualaal and his goons, who torture him and humiliate him in public. He also has to face the media frenzy and the mockery of the villagers, who believe that he is guilty. He tries to prove his innocence, but no one listens to him or supports him. He only has Maya by his side, who secretly helps him escape from the village. However, Sualaal is determined to catch him and make him pay for his crime.

What is the message of Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho?

The movie is a satire on the social evils and political corruption that plague the Indian rural system. It exposes how the powerful and influential can manipulate the law and justice to suit their interests and oppress the weak and innocent. It also shows how superstition and ignorance can blind people from the truth and reason. The movie also questions the patriarchal norms and values that treat women as objects and animals as gods. It challenges the viewers to think critically and rationally about these issues.

Who are the actors and the director of Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho?

The movie features a talented cast of actors who deliver brilliant performances. Rahul Bagga plays the role of Arjun, the innocent and honest protagonist. Hrishitaa Bhatt plays the role of Maya, the unhappy and oppressed wife of Sualaal. Annu Kapoor plays the role of Sualaal, the villainous and cunning village head. Om Puri, Ravi Kishan, Sanjay Mishra, and Rajendra Gupta play supporting roles as Arjun’s friends, enemies, and lawyers. The movie is directed by Vinod Kapri, who is also the writer and producer of the film.

Where can you watch Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho Hindi Movie 720p?

If you want to watch Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho Hindi Movie 720p, you have several options. You can stream it online on Disney+ Hotstar , where it is available in HD quality. You can also download it for free from 9xmovie.world, where it is available in 720p WEBRip format. However, you should be careful about the legality and safety of these sites before accessing them.

What are the reviews and ratings of Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho?

The movie has received mixed reviews from critics and audiences. Some have praised it for its bold and witty satire, while others have criticized it for its poor execution and insensitive humor. The movie has a rating of 5.2 out of 10 on IMDb, based on 1,037 votes. It has a rating of 2.5 out of 5 on Times of India, based on 14 reviews. It has a rating of 3 out of 5 on Bollywood Hungama, based on 6 reviews.

Why should you watch Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho Hindi Movie 720p?

You should watch Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho Hindi Movie 720p if you are looking for a comedy movie that will make you laugh and think at the same time. The movie is a satire on the absurdities and injustices of the Indian rural system, where a young man is falsely accused of raping a buffalo. The movie exposes how the powerful and influential can manipulate the law and justice to suit their interests and oppress the weak and innocent. It also shows how superstition and ignorance can blind people from the truth and reason. The movie also questions the patriarchal norms and values that treat women as objects and animals as gods. It challenges the viewers to think critically and rationally about these issues. The movie features a talented cast of actors who deliver brilliant performances. The movie is directed by Vinod Kapri, who is also the writer and producer of the film.

How to watch Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho Hindi Movie 720p online?

If you want to watch Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho Hindi Movie 720p online, you have several options. You can stream it online on Disney+ Hotstar , where it is available in HD quality. You can also download it for free from 9xmovie.world, where it is available in 720p WEBRip format. However, you should be careful about the legality and safety of these sites before accessing them. You should also have a good internet connection and a compatible device to watch the movie without any interruption.

What are some other comedy movies like Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho?

If you enjoyed watching Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho, you might also like some other comedy movies that are similar in genre and theme. Some of these movies are:

– PK: A comedy-drama movie that revolves around an alien who lands on Earth and questions the religious beliefs and practices of humans.
– Jolly LLB: A comedy-drama movie that follows the journey of a lawyer who fights a high-profile case against a corrupt politician.
– Phas Gaye Re Obama: A comedy movie that depicts the impact of the global recession on the Indian underworld.
– Welcome to Sajjanpur: A comedy movie that portrays the lives and problems of the villagers of Sajjanpur, as seen through the eyes of a letter-writer.
– Peepli Live: A comedy-satire movie that explores the issue of farmer suicides and the media and political response to it.


Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho Hindi Movie 720p is a comedy movie that will make you laugh and think at the same time. The movie is a satire on the absurdities and injustices of the Indian rural system, where a young man is falsely accused of raping a buffalo. The movie exposes how the powerful and influential can manipulate the law and justice to suit their interests and oppress the weak and innocent. It also shows how superstition and ignorance can blind people from the truth and reason. The movie also questions the patriarchal norms and values that treat women as objects and animals as gods. It challenges the viewers to think critically and rationally about these issues. The movie features a talented cast of actors who deliver brilliant performances. The movie is directed by Vinod Kapri, who is also the writer and producer of the film. You can watch Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho Hindi Movie 720p online on Disney+ Hotstar or download it for free from 9xmovie.world. You might also like some other comedy movies that are similar in genre and theme, such as PK, Jolly LLB, Phas Gaye Re Obama, Welcome to Sajjanpur, and Peepli Live.


Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho Hindi Movie 720p is a comedy movie that will make you laugh and think at the same time. The movie is a satire on the absurdities and injustices of the Indian rural system, where a young man is falsely accused of raping a buffalo. The movie exposes how the powerful and influential can manipulate the law and justice to suit their interests and oppress the weak and innocent. It also shows how superstition and ignorance can blind people from the truth and reason. The movie also questions the patriarchal norms and values that treat women as objects and animals as gods. It challenges the viewers to think critically and rationally about these issues. The movie features a talented cast of actors who deliver brilliant performances. The movie is directed by Vinod Kapri, who is also the writer and producer of the film. You can watch Miss Tanakpur Haazir Ho Hindi Movie 720p online on Disney+ Hotstar or download it for free from 9xmovie.world. You might also like some other comedy movies that are similar in genre and theme, such as PK, Jolly LLB, Phas Gaye Re Obama, Welcome to Sajjanpur, and Peepli Live.



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